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You take your social commitments to heart today, but still may let down someone close to you. Your intentions are good, but your follow-through could be less than adequate, especially if you're presented with an unexpected opportunity to do something entirely different later in the day. You might not even realize that your behavior is problematic if you don't stop to think about your actions prior to chasing your own whimsical pursuits. A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh said, "A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

A change in travel plans comes as no surprise to you today, especially if you were overextending your resources in order to take this trip. Although you might feel discouraged at first, you prefer working with the facts rather than pie-in-the-sky dreams that only set you up for disappointment down the road. Budgeting your money and your time now while you still have the opportunity makes more sense than waiting until it's too late. Switching your attitude widens your perspective.

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Coming to terms with your feelings is complicated when others are involved in the equation. Each person brings their own set of fears, hopes and desires to the table, where they are shared and discussed. Although negotiations may require you to give up a valuable offering to gain something else, you might not want to take a chance on an uncertain future. John A. Shedd wrote, "A ship in port is safe but that's not what ships are built for."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Someone may rain on your parade today, but a delayed start won't necessarily dampen any of the fun. You desperately want to maintain a sunny attitude, but hiding your feelings is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you're with people who can see through your defensive tactics. Taking a risk in revealing your vulnerability requires courage, but standing up for your beliefs is good for your soul.

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You might not be particularly happy with the outcome of events today, especially if you are called on to fix social arrangements that have fallen apart. You can't help but assume responsibility as warm Venus collides with cold Saturn. The juxtaposition of your attraction and someone else's rejection can be a rude awakening. Nevertheless, you know where you stand, and you know what you must do. Lao Tzu wrote, "He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You may feel as if this special day is flying by without giving you the opportunity to pursue the pleasure you rightly deserve. If you complain or blame others for your current dissatisfaction, you will only invite additional obstacles to appear in your path. Nevertheless, paying attention to the signs reveals ways to improve your chances to attain happiness. Awareness is the key to positive change.

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You have your hopes set high, expecting lovely holiday celebrations at home today. However, while others seem to be enjoying the day, you may be playing catch up on chores that should have been done yesterday. Don't waste your time cleaning up other people's messes; just clean up your own. If you attend to things in the right order, you can join in the fun later on. Tim Ferriss wrote, "Lack of time is actually lack of priorities."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You thought the only way you could make it through the logistics of the day without mistakes or misunderstandings was to agree on start times for each activity. Although you might end up with an efficient schedule, the fun and frivolity may be missing from the festivities along with any ambiguities. But don't write off the entire day with one pen stroke; there are plenty of chances for mischief-making if you laugh more than you fret. Joy is found in the spontaneous moments when no one is reading a script.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You have a sneaking suspicion that you overspent for the holidays and now you already regret it. Or, perhaps, you're worried that someone won't like the special gift you purchased. In any case, fundamental issues of self-worth rise to the surface as valuable Venus joins judgmental Saturn in your 2nd House of Self-Esteem. Keep in mind that you can't undo what has already been done. Instead of reconsidering a past action, focus on what you can do now to address the situation. Learn your lesson and move on.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Paradoxically, you might feel isolated from those closest to you in the midst of a crowded celebration. The source of your current alienation could be your harsh self-analysis that leaves you wondering whether or not you even deserve love. You may temporarily believe that the struggles that come from being in a relationship aren't worth it, tempting you to emotionally withdraw. Thankfully, it doesn't take long to work yourself out of this dark corner and back into the hopeful light of shared holiday spirit. Be kind to yourself and open your heart.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

It's slightly ironic how much is going on within the recesses of your mind that others don't have a clue about now. You're happy to share in the festivities today but you're less than willing to reveal your thoughts. Keeping your feelings to yourself enables you to move through some tricky emotional territory without involving anyone else in your inner melodrama. Author Dr. Bilal Philips wrote, "A simple, private life is a happy life. Everything you do doesn't need to be seen or heard by others for acceptance."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

There is no escaping the fact that you are part of a complex social network and what you do -- especially around the holidays -- impacts those around you. Although you enjoy participating in group activities today, you're wary of your level of engagement. You don't want your own private plans subsumed by the larger community. Your current happiness depends on your ability to establish boundaries while still being flexible enough to alter them when necessary. Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with you.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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