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Revealing your feelings is a double-edged sword today. Although you believe that the emotional waters will remain calm throughout the day, there's a tempest brewing out near the horizon. Casually expressing what's in your heart may not be in your best interest until the hectic energy settles down. Thankfully, tempering your rapid responses by coming from a place of attuned empathy can catapult you in a wonderful direction. Compassionate action rather than defensive reaction is the key to your happiness.

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Your propensity for consistency is extra strong while so much is unfolding so fast. Although the emotional connection you feel toward family is undeniable, spending time with relatives can be complicated, as interpersonal dynamics are rarely simple these days. However, expressing gratitude for the bountiful aspects of your life shifts the focus from conflict to celebration. You have the option to temporarily avoid controversy by shining your love light, instead. Joy to the world starts at home.

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A minor misunderstanding could turn your day upside down. Smooth sailing might require a superhuman effort on your part to overcome a short-lived case of brain fog as rational Mercury forms a conflictive square with hazy Neptune. Although clear communication may be temporarily elusive, paying careful attention to the specifics of what's said now can prevent a headache later on. Thankfully, a little forethought allows you to entertain dreams of dancing sugarplum fairies, even if you're responsible for more earthly matters in the moment.

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Your schedule may change suddenly if someone makes you an exciting offer today. The playful Leo Moon urges you to accept an invitation that sounds like fun. Although you could be comfortable with your response, another person might not react calmly to your unexpected behavior. Consider the ramifications of your impulsive decision before doing something you soon regret. However, if you're certain of your choice, don't let your fear of reprisal stop you from following your heart's desire. In the long run, your willingness to take care of your needs encourages everyone else to do the same.

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Your road to satisfaction is a circuitous one today. Although you enjoy being the star of the show, not everything is about you. In fact, you'll end up happier if you can move the bright beam of the spotlight off you now, so it can shine on the important people in your life. This shift of attention may leave you feeling momentarily slighted, but those close to you will be so appreciative of your magnanimity that they will likely shower you with love and adoration. Your generosity of spirit is a blessing every day of the year.

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Finding the exact words to express how much you care for those you love can be challenging today. You may even wonder if anyone will truly comprehend the depth of your feelings now that confusing Neptune is at odds with communicator Mercury. However, remaining silent is not an option, for people will be overly concerned about your wellbeing if you say nothing at all. Although the first steps might be slippery, success is yours if you push through the inertia that originates from your fear of being misunderstood. Allow the magic of the season to open your heart and share your feelings when you have the chance.

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Your emotional attachment to the current happiness of friends and family takes center stage now. But your perception of the psychological well-being of others is likely colored by your past experiences that are bleeding through the present moment. In order to integrate your childhood memories, you must be willing to reexamine your life from a more mature perspective. Everything in your personal history has played a role in you becoming the person you are today. Like strands of DNA, you are tethered to your origins. Honor your roots while you reinvent the present and reimagine the future.

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You are being presented with a chance to creatively alter your relationships with loved ones in a positive matter today. It takes very little effort to deepen the most significant interpersonal connections in your life now, and to transform the old limitations you have placed upon your unions. But you're not only driven by your passion; there's an intellectual excitement that is piquing your interest. Don't be afraid to dream about possibilities you haven't yet considered. If you are apprehensive about the current changes, take a minute to recalibrate your center. You can walk out on the edge when your moral compass is aligned with your heart.

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Your desire to participate in holiday festivities may be conflicted because you're pulled in so many directions. You might be uncharacteristically anxious as unpredictable Uranus and fantasy-prone Neptune are both stressing rational Mercury in your 1st House of Self. You can't escape your attraction to unusual and unconventional activities now, but social responsibilities still require you to put on a more traditional show. Fortunately, it's not necessary to shut down your dreams in order to be present with your friends and family. The magic of imagination allows you to exist in both worlds at the same time.

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The potential joy of current holiday activities may be negatively affected by unscheduled recollections of events from your past. Someone's action or spoken word could jolt your awareness like a strike of lightning today. But rather than blocking out an inconvenient memory, accept it as a gift for contemplation. The cosmos is offering you a chance to discover where you are no longer willing to romanticize a previous experience. This sudden clarity enables you to approach a similar event now and avoid repeating negative patterns in the future. Changing your perspective changes everything.

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Conversations take you down unexpected pathways today. Your thoughts are jumping all over the map while philosophical Mercury is nervously excited by rebellious Uranus. Although you thrive on the mental stimulation, you can't seem to bring any one idea to fruition. It's as if you're in a parallel universe with a thin film of translucent material separating you from reality. This alienation may be frustrating at first, but it's liberating when you realize you can just enjoy the experience without feeling the need to direct the dialogue. Anything is possible if you're willing to let go of control.

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Your daydreams keep derailing you from accurately conveying your thoughts today. You are excited by a sudden realization, only to lose your train of thought when cerebral Mercury crosses paths with somnambulistic Neptune. Although you might enjoy this mental spaciness, it's not particularly productive. Fortunately, you can slide through the day, skirting the edges of hard facts by retelling tales and singing songs. The truth is myths and symbols do a better job of expressing your ideas than hard-edged facts. Poet Muriel Rukeyser wrote, "The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."

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