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As this year comes to a close, you Rams are already revving up for the next. Hitting the ground running will be no problem for you with action-oriented Mars flying into your impulsive sign today. Although it may feel as if there are never enough hours in the day, things will get done if you pace yourself with the clock in mind. Rushing, as natural as it is, leads to mistakes. Be relentless as you tie up loose ends, but remember to breathe along the way.

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As much as you value your creature comforts, you don't necessarily ask for what you need. However, the cosmos rides to your rescue to help you change this behavior. As you make your New Year's resolutions, be sure to include some wishes to be granted. Maybe you would like improved communication with a partner or more activities in your day that bring you joy. Sometimes you don't get what you want, not because others are unwilling to assist, but because they don't know what you desire. Ask and you shall receive.

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You are often thinking several thoughts at once, even though they come out of your mouth just one at a time. People might assume you're scattered or even shallow as your mind bounces around from one idea to another. But you are more straightforward in your speech today. Although you like to keep things light most of the time, your intentions for the next year have an unexpected profundity. There's no need to question your serious approach now, for you can be deep without giving up your easy-breezy side. Blending somber subjects with a touch of humor enables you to approach topics others might avoid.

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You may be overly emotional today, but such sentiments are nothing new to you. If you find your feelings sinking to the depths or soaring to extraordinary heights, rest assured the cosmos is conspiring in your favor for a cathartic release. Whatever ritual you choose to mark the crossing of the threshold into the new year, be sure to clear out the energetic clutter so you can gain closure on the past. Transitions are beautifully liberating when you choose to engage them with intention.

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As the year comes to an end, the fun-loving way you walk through the world is peppered with intensity. Your imagination lures you into uncharted emotional territory, as if you must get what you can from these realms before your daydream fades. Carve out some time to creatively express your most significant memories of the previous year, prior to giving voice to your aspirations for the next one. Letting your inner child out to play frees your spirit and inspires you to clearly envision a brighter future.

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Despite being someone who chooses to rely on the facts, you find yourself more in touch with your emotions today. As you analyze this past year, let any hints of sentimentality bubble into awareness and join the current conversation. Not everything in life needs to be rational to be true. Moreover, expressing your changing moods does not mean those feelings are carved in stone, especially if you consciously allow them to evolve and transform. Exploring your inner world enables you to access the richness of your own totality.

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You are being called to enter into a new dynamic as you express your own personal power. Self-determined Mars slips into your 7th House of Others, giving you the chance to examine the possibility that empowerment and power are not the same thing. You can be in control of your own life and still collaborate with like-minded people. Look to co-create in ways that are meaningful and enjoyable to you and those in your life. As you think about this evening and the coming year, plan to do something special that touches your soul and stand confidently in your choice.

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As you look back over the past twelve months, you're beginning to see just how much you have grown. Although your life is opening up in one way or another, you're still standing on the threshold of your journey. Nevertheless, you may feel as if time is running short while you meander through your dreams, watching the interplay between the healing of old hurts and the creation of new visions. Before you set intentions for the new year, acknowledge the importance of turning inward. Clarify your current position prior to shifting your thoughts to your future goals.

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You're feeling quite inspired as you close a chapter on another year. Your panoramic view of the world is growing day by day, and it seems easier than ever for you to access the potential of what's ahead. Simultaneously, you are in touch with a depth of emotion that is carrying you into new places. At first, your head and your heart may seem like odd bedfellows, but they can creatively work together to take you to the next best version of you. Ring in the new year with a pinch of joy, a dash of passion, and a cup of common sense.

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As you reflect on the past year, you may be tempted to place a heavy emphasis on everything you did not cross off your to-do list. However, be gentle with yourself today. Rather than cataloging all that is yet to be done, temporarily switch your focus to consider your blessings. There will always be more to do. Instead, make a list of all your accomplishments. Giving yourself credit for your past achievements empowers you to move forward into the new year with a clear direction.

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You can act on your most unconventional ideas as you drift into the new year, especially if you ask for assistance from your friends and family. Although you often think far outside the norms, converting your ideas into action is not always a straightforward task. Unfortunately, your independent approach means that you're accustomed to flying solo. Include the input of others when strategizing outrageous goals and constructing your resolutions for the new year. An African proverb teaches, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

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Your year ends on a rather dreamy and mystical note. Although luck is with you now as you invoke what you crave for your future, the trick is knowing precisely what you want. Spending time in quiet introspection before jotting down your desires helps you clear out any cobwebs of confusion. But don't fall into the trap of believing you can achieve your goals overnight. Think big while focusing on the long-term picture and you'll reach your destination sooner than you expect.

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