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Your powers of creativity and communication are virtually alchemical today. You can capably turn any raw material you're given into gold. No one else is going to do the job for you, so bring a take-charge energy to all that you do. Your purposefulness can make in-roads and invite success. Some elements of romance look hazy or mysterious now, but you're a clever detective when following the clues along love's trail. Aligning your actions with your heart allows you to discover your destiny.

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Angry sparks that fly in battles over independence can serve as reminders that people you love are not your possessions. Loosen up a too-tight grip or relax overly restrictive rules to create a more harmonious connection. Freedom is nothing to fear in relationships or for yourself. Instead of projecting control urges outward and into the lives of others, re-direct your energy toward a habit of your own that you wish to change. Claim your power to steer your life as you will.

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It would be so helpful if certain people wore a sash stating, "Doesn't play well with others." This way you could see a stubborn individual coming today, and mentally prepare for the encounter. It stinks to be caught off guard, especially in an emotional dispute. Fortunately, you're overflowing with amplified Gemini tact and charm now. Have confidence that your natural finesse will pull you through any conflict whenever needed. Leading with kindness inspires others to soften their hearts.

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What you want to articulate might seem just outside the reach of your conscious mind today. A question posed by a love interest or other important person in your life stirs a lot of feelings, none of which are likely to be immediately simple to put into words. However, self-expression does find its own way to gush when given half a chance. And if the subconscious is allowed free rein, non-verbal communication can speak volumes. Let it flow.

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The morale boost provided by your family of choice can set a friendly tone today. However, a strong web of encouragement isn't something you're handed; it's built brick by brick, and it requires careful maintenance. The radiant glow of your generous spirit attracts many cheerleaders, and you're appreciative of every one of them. But the bottom line of your confidence and security is found in your own heart. Faith in yourself is key to healthy relationships.

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Don't kick yourself too hard for muttering a few choice words under your breath today. Most likely, there is a valid reason for your frustration. Hand your anger over to the better angels of your personality and move forward. You're human and as such are a complicated, brilliant, and wildly powerful creature. Change your attitude and turn the tide. President Teddy Roosevelt said, "Believe you can and you're halfway there."

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It should surprise no one if you get the sudden urge to re-decorate, re-do, or reinvent today, least of all yourself. Your indecisive nature rarely cedes the right to change your mind, and you're just as rarely shy about exercising that right. But avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater. There is something worth preserving in the middle of all that you're aiming to change now. Applying a heavy dose of discernment enables you to find the keepers and toss out the rest.

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Revealing your feelings exposes places of vulnerability within. Your first instinct might be to avoid this kind of personal exposure. But there are limits created by your evasive reaction and barriers erected against closeness and intimacy. When you realize that these constraints are self-made, it's easier to break through them in a trusting relationship. There's no 100-percent guarantee against being emotionally hurt. It's brave to communicate from the heart, and such courage can illuminate a new horizon.

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A newly formed relationship may have a sophisticated sheen that explains why it's such a major fascination now. There's something alluring about this association that draws you forward, captivates your imagination, and invites you into unfamiliar terrain. An underlying vibration of excitement might even make it into your dreamworld, with imagery becoming increasingly vivid or seemingly prescient as this connection develops. Love is like wildflowers; it's often found in the most unlikely places.

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Keeping your footing can be extremely challenging when peer pressure is strong at work or within your social circle today. Above and beyond virtually all else, you are your own person. Take pride in your self-reliance; once you identify the outside influences that are subtly playing on your mind now, you're fully capable of shaking off those vibes and reestablishing your balance. Independent thinking saves the day.

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A big development seems near at hand in your career, education, or public standing. Clairvoyance isn't necessary to sense that a combination of talent and hard work produces results. Waiting can be the hardest part of any project, but there is plenty to accomplish in the interim. Superstar rock band U2 sings, "It's no secret ambition bites the nails of success." The more you want something, the tougher it is to be patient. Stay in constructive motion until you reach your destination.

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It's always a good idea to figure out what's at the bottom of a lake before jumping in. It seems farfetched to believe there is a monster down there, waiting to gobble you up. But there are other hazards that are much more realistic which should be taken into consideration today. Think carefully about the full range of risks involved before making a big commitment. Weigh all relevant pros and cons now. Be certain it's safe before taking the plunge.

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