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Your thinking changes as you move from task to task, topic to topic, and conversation to conversation today. With interests as varied as your own, it's not surprising that your mind travels freely through all sorts of diverse terrains. But it's the propulsion of planning that's the most intriguing factor in the mix. The power of new ideas seems to jettison hesitation and self-doubts, giving rise to an empowered level of inspiration. By the end of the day, a stratagem for action is taking shape. The creative process is organic.

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Bravery isn't about feeling fearless. It's about acknowledging that you're afraid, but still persevering toward the goal. The dynamism of your passion is a force to be reckoned with now. You can subtly make a point or score one for the good guys and gals today. And when necessary, you may choose to overtly take a stand or make your mark. Although you might prefer privacy over the spotlight's glare, you can masterfully handle either with grace. Courage is contagious.

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There's something about ancient wisdom that makes its truth prove relevant time and time again. No matter how much things change, there are some facts of life that remain the same. Peer back to days gone by and consider the observations made by great thinkers and spiritual masters of other eras. By tracing a consistent thread, you might discover a sage gem which will help you when grappling with a problem that a casual glance judges to be strictly a product of modernity. Everything old becomes new again.

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A private affair preoccupies your deep thoughts today, even when you're in the thick of things with others at work, home, or elsewhere. Your inner world takes center stage, whether you're replaying a conversation, assessing your options, or meandering through juicy romantic memories. Tend to practical responsibilities and take good care of those you love. Hold tight to heartening personal remembrances now, and embrace the wide-open realm of what's possible in the future, too.

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There's a slight scent of changing psychic weather in the wind. While it may be too early to predict exactly what is heading your way, it's enough warning to put your intuitive mind on alert. You can't help but wonder how this energetic shift might influence your career, love life, or even your travel plans. The specifics don't matter as much as does the possibility of expanded life experience and adventure. The secret to remember is that sixth-sense clarity rejects aggressive clamoring in its pursuit. Be the magnet for positive transformation instead.

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Your natural abundance of common sense pushes you to plan ahead. You prefer to map things out, gathering your resources and supplies while still weaving a safety net. Bring that proactive sensibility to your health now. Body, mind, and spirit are inextricably linked, so whatever is done for the benefit of one channels nourishing energy through all. Your emotional well-being and physical vitality are valid priorities. Being good to yourself is a necessity, not a luxury.

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What starts out small tends to snowball today. Unfortunately, a little annoyance can turn into a bigger problem if mishandled or ignored. But a conflict or disruption also empowers a nudge in the right direction to morph into a giant surge of positivity. Avoid leaping to the conclusion that any action is insignificant or any choice is meaningless. Every cause has an effect in the world of feelings and ideas -- and in the physical realm, too. What's little doesn't always stay that way.

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Good advice is rarely received the way it's intended if it's dished without invitation. Some people tend to outright reject all unsolicited recommendations. Being familiar with someone's nature helps today. Combining your intuitive instincts with the insight gleaned from your personal association can tell you how to avoid setting off their stubborn streak. Trust is the foundation of good communication. Be kind and listen as much as you talk; most likely, defenses will gradually drop and wisdom can be swapped.

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Although an educational adventure might get off to a rocky start today, it doesn't mean it's fated to go nowhere. When you set out to learn something new about a person, place, or thing, it pays to bring along two essentials -- patience and persistence. There's often an initial hurdle to clear before previously unfamiliar information begins to fall into place. Sometimes this blockage is self-created, perpetuated by insecurity or fear. Get past that obstacle and watch the path clear.

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Look to a more stable area of your life for a booster shot of reassurance, especially if fluctuating finances have your head spinning now. Talking with a dear friend, leaving a love note for your spouse, taking the dog for a walk, or rocking an infant to sleep might be just the remedy to reset jangled nerves into balance today. You can return to the mundane world of money refreshed, viewing your responsibilities with a rejuvenated outlook. Never underestimate the centering power of meaningful simplicity.

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The fullness of your identity turns positive attention in your direction when it's expressed with creative flair or humanitarian intent. Your most fundamental traits make you a formidable force now; combine your appreciation of irony, playful mischievousness, and rugged individualism to produce the impact you wish. Any trend that threatens to limit freedom of expression seems worth bucking today. Everything about your demeanor spontaneously declares, "I'm one of a kind."

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You're motivated to stake your claim in territory that's far enough away from the maddening crowd to be peaceful, but close enough to catch a glimpse of anything exciting happening in the mix. You have your reasons to want to remain out of the fray and you may be inclined to let someone in only so far today, no matter how close the relationship. Sometimes middle ground can be the space that separates your own highly individualized energy from the mishmash of group-think vibes. Drawing simple boundaries allows you the emotional breathing room you so desperately need.

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