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You relish the idea of a fresh start or a new adventure. Bring a clean slate to a conversation, interview, or discussion today. Remain fully open to the mental awakening sweet experience can offer you. A potential intellectual, educational, or experiential journey is revealed to have roots which sprouted from seeds planted long ago. Nevertheless, this is no repeat or déjà vu. It's a brand-new day to do whatever you wish and will.

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Do what needs to be done to turn a plan from abstract to actualized. The good news is everything is in order, if not in practice than at least in theory. The progress might not occur all at once but with persistence things can fall into place, piece by piece. There's a school of thought that proposes nothing can happen that isn't meant to happen. This philosophical slant may or may not be a speculation to which you subscribe, but either way it provides plenty of food for thought. The dance between fate and free will is never-ending.

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Sensing that something's peculiar this morning could prove to be a lot easier than pinning down exactly what it is. Everything and everyone can look exactly as always, and yet you feel like the energy is different. It might be no more than a faint scent on the psychic breeze but pretending not to notice isn't an option now. Even if you choose to keep your perception private, there's a reason for it to be in your awareness today. Intuition is a helpful servant of ego and of soul.

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There are no guarantees that every life experience will ultimately make sense. No matter the angle of observation, some things just don't logically fit together in any context, and yet there they are like two peas in a pod. The events and relationships that stand out like a sore thumb for all the wrong reasons tend to gobble up more than their fair share of mental and emotional energy. The truth is some mysteries stubbornly insist upon remaining mysterious.

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It's nearly impossible to find what's needed in a landscape that's constantly changing. If it seems like the goal posts are constantly being moved, you might want to rethink the game in which you're participating now. While you are upfront about your aspirations, not everyone is as transparent when it comes to their ambitions. As long as you're unsure about someone's motives, you're likely to continue to feel like you're at a confusing disadvantage. Calling a time out until the rules are reestablished is a winning strategy.

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You're in the mood to be a little adventurous when it comes to money today. Of course, your naturally prudent nature makes you adamant in your opposition to needlessly wasting resources. Watching your wallet makes perfect sense when the budget is tight. But if you've got a few extra dollars to spare now, it might be fun to splurge on something that will make you or your sweetheart happy. Life is too short not to make pleasure a priority.

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On an ordinary day, you possess an uncanny knack of getting in the last word more often than not. But your crafty communication skills are put to the test when you're handed final say on a project at home or at work. Or maybe you're given the chance to seize a perfect drop-the-mic opportunity in a political debate or lover's spat. Whatever the situation, you're the best at putting the punctuation at the end of every sentence today. Bar none.

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You have your own subtle ways of drawing the spotlight, especially if you sense that you're being underestimated. Excellence rises to the top just like cream rises to the uppermost surface of the milk jar. You cannot help but be noticed when you're in your element and doing your best work. Your competence ensures that recognition comes to you organically and is quietly accrued over time. Do your thing and have faith that those paying attention will stand up and applaud. Your confidence sparkles with passion and promise.

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You can do amazing things with your creative energy when your heart is fully engaged. You bring that same emotional zeal to the quality of care you give to your treasured plants, pets, or people. It's nearly impossible to hide the passion of your emotions now, even if you wanted to try. Instead, you feel like shouting out your devotion from the rooftops. Soccer superstar Pele captured the vibe thusly, "Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string." The world needs you to play your music to the max.

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Criticism from within can be the toughest adversary. Sure, it might seem like it's a rival or competitor that's launching the worst barbs. But none of them can hit home unless your own inner critic approves the taunts. Refuse to cooperate with any of that negativity nonsense today. View any honest mistakes or legitimate flaws as things that can be corrected, improved, or worked upon. Shift the rest of your energy toward your talents, strengths, and accomplishments. Face the fact that you've got a whole lot of awesome going on.

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A few eyebrows are raised by something spontaneously said today. And, of course, it won't come as a big shock if those words spill from your lips. However, the surprising part is that instead of your usual quick wit or inarguable pithy offering of fact, some powerful feelings are pouring forth. Although your outburst might cause an awkward moment at first, on a deeper level, this spontaneous expression can shake loose a new sensation of independence. Freedom doesn't just ring, it peals.

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Impulse buying could wreak havoc on your budget or credit rating now, so it might be wise to avoid your favorite shopping sites. An array of beautiful things will catch your eye in any marketplace, and the temptation to obtain what you want is strong today. Luxury items beckon the most loudly, and you may wistfully imagine the bliss of cherishing your object of desire. But with conscientious self-discipline, any urge toward wild spending can be kept in check. Material lust is no match for the best of your willpower. Money saved is money earned.

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