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You're ready to jump into an uncomfortable relationship discussion because you believe your words can act as a healing balm. Giant Jupiter shifts into your 8th House of Deep Sharing, encouraging you to step beyond lighthearted chatter. You have no shortage of thoughts to discuss, but if your intervention just sounds like noise to the others involved, they might want you to stop talking. Zig Ziglar wrote, "People don't always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold, an ear to listen and a heart to understand them."

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You might profess your attraction to someone, only to find your feelings thwarted. Romantic Venus opposes wounded Chiron in your 11th House of Social Networking, stressing the boundaries between friends and lovers. Thankfully, buoyant Jupiter moves into your 7th House of Others, inspiring you to look past any current uncertainties to see the positive potential of relationships. You probably won't reach the satisfaction you desire now, but you can salvage an awkward situation through honest dialogue. Novelist Rita Mae Brown wrote, "Language exerts hidden power, like the Moon on the tides."

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Meaningful connections are elusive today, leaving you to wonder what you are missing. Everyone seems to be on your case, judging your behavior for no reason at all. However, the world is not necessarily out to get you; your current attitude has a larger impact on the reactions you receive than you realize. Nevertheless, you won't likely fix everything now, regardless of what you do. Thankfully, beneficent Jupiter takes up residence in your 6th House of Details, rewarding small steps in the right direction. Slow progress is still progress.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Explaining your feelings sounds like more trouble than it's worth today. You're content to pass your time hiding out under the covers, but unfortunately, the world might not let you escape so easily. You must push through your own resistance and step into the spotlight now. Luckily, auspicious Jupiter's shift into your 5th House of Fun and Games means your party is ready to start. Unfortunately, managing your emotions is mandatory before you go out to play.

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You're happiest today when you are in the company of your closest friends and family. Jupiter's move into your 4th House of Domestic Conditions resonates with your desire for emotional security. You're not interested in wasting your time or energy on irrelevant projects, but you are willing to do whatever is necessary to rejuvenate your system. Nevertheless, it's all too easy to be swayed by gloss and glitter because you're feeling so restless now. George Lucas said, "Always remember, your focus determines your reality."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

When it's quiet today, you quickly long for a distraction. But when it's noisy, you remember how much you prefer silence. Either way, you want what you don't have. However, excessive Jupiter's entry into your 3rd House of Communication increases your need for heartfelt interactions. Unfortunately, satisfaction is impossible when you expect more than what is available. Thankfully, you can change your mind quickly now, enabling you to move with the fluctuating tides. Joseph Campbell wrote, "We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us."

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An old emotional wound may resurface today, preventing you from realizing a dream. Spending time exploring your fantasies sounds like fun, but actualizing them requires a considerable amount of work. Fortunately, you can enjoy envisioning your next great adventure without actually going there yet. Optimistic Jupiter steps into your 2nd House of Self-Esteem, inviting you to consider the relationship between your long-term goals and your past accomplishments. Don't wait for the next opportunity to knock at your door. Fine-tuning your plan now ensures your future success.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You are standing on the precipice of a wondrous journey. Joyful Jupiter enters transformational Scorpio and your 1st House of Self for a yearlong visit, closing one chapter of your life and opening the next. Reflect over the past year to reassess your successes and your failures. Take an inventory of all unfinished business so you can effectively allocate your time. More importantly, create a sweeping new list of ambitious goals for your future. You don't need to set sail today as long as you aim yourself in the right direction.

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You have a new theme song today. Harry Nilsson sang, "Everybody's talkin' at me, but I can't hear a word they're saying, only the echoes of my mind." The loquacious Gemini Moon in your 7th House of Others might be enough to fill your world with an endless stream of verbal yammering. However, it's boisterous Jupiter's presence in your 12th House of Soul Consciousness that creates the psychic reverberations in the vast halls of your imagination. You have a choice to make now; let your dreams fade away or make them come true.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

There are so many items on your to-do list that you don't know where to start. It may even feel like a hopeless cause, since you surely won't be able to complete all of your work now. Thankfully, bountiful Jupiter enters your 11th House of Long-Term Goals, shifting your focus from the specifics of today's chores to the generalities of tomorrow's horizons. Nevertheless, you can't just walk out on your current responsibilities. Put your shoulder to the wheel and hold up your end of the deal.

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Although your mind is overflowing with a surplus of innovative thoughts today, they won't necessarily lead to a productive outcome. Nevertheless, propitious Jupiter moves into your 10th House of Career, increasing your chances for a promotion. Don't let an ingenious idea or ambitious plan fade back into the shadows of your subconscious mind before you have a chance to act on it. Instead of leaving your future in the hands of fate, take it into your own hands. Goethe wrote, "Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You try to avoid doing anything that creates unnecessary stress today. However, your personal life is a source of emotional turmoil now that romantic Venus opposes wounded Chiron in your sensitive sign. Meanwhile, journeying Jupiter enters your 9th House of Distant Horizons, and your immediate concerns dissipate as you look further into your future. But your optimism is not sufficient to put bread on your table. Author Alan Cohen wrote, "There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither."

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