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Twinges of uncertainty float through your awareness today as you make plans for your future. Although you Rams may be the most independent sign of the zodiac, you can't escape the fact that there are others in your life who you depend upon. Instead of focusing on your needs alone, open your heart to the feelings of those closest to you, too. Thankfully, you can see love from both sides now as romantic Venus dances into your 7th House of Relationships. Elizabeth Lesser wrote, "Look for a way to lift someone up. And if that's all you do, that's enough."

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Your approach to the finer things in life is pretty simple; you let your senses be the judge of what you like and what you don't. Although you can be quite decisive when evaluating a person or an experience, it becomes harder to reach a conclusion after your key planet Venus soars into ambivalent Libra. Your uncertainty may be confusing to others, but you need to follow your own inner guidance now, postponing your final decision until you weigh all the pros and cons. Don't let anyone rush you; honor your methodical process, even if it seems to have a mind of its own.

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Behaving in a practical manner seems to be growing more difficult day by day. You can step through your logical analysis as you consider how to respond to others, only to make a last-minute decision that comes from your heart and not your head. In fact, you may be so sure of your choice that you can retroactively compile a list of all the reasons that justify your actions. Trusting your feelings is commendable as long as you don't succumb to irrational fear. Novelist Zelda Fitzgerald said, "Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You know what you want to say, but your words might not convey your intended thoughts. Although the problem may appear to be with the receiver, you could be inadvertently contributing to the confusion today. Don't hold back; your sensitivity to someone else's feelings can prompt you to water down your message. Instead of assuming people understand your position, ask them for feedback now. Stephen Covey wrote, "Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply."

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The Golden Rule is based on the concept of reciprocity; treat others as you want to be treated. Unfortunately, there could be a surprise in the relationship between cause and effect today. You might go out of your way to be extra nice to someone who doesn't respond in kind. However, an unexpected twist in the plot of your day doesn't mean you should change tactics. A generous gesture isn't really generous if it's based on your expectation of getting something in return. The Dalai Lama said, "The root of happiness is altruism -- the wish to be of service to others."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You may try to accomplish more than is possible today because it seems like you're running out of time. Your feelings might cool as sweet Venus leaves your earthy sign for the heady skies of airy Libra. However, this change of pressure in emotional atmosphere can work in your favor if you haven't already written the next scene of your movie. Temporarily set your preferences aside and wait to see what the cosmos offers you. Once you know where your path is leading, your choices will be clearly evident.

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Although you aren't necessarily home free, you are pleased that a weight seems to be lifting from your shoulders. You might still have to follow through on a previous commitment, but the light at the end of the tunnel is finally getting brighter now that your key planet Venus returns to your sign. Changing circumstances contribute to your growing pleasure, but so does your newfound flexibility. It's easier to smile when you're not so fussy about what you want. Nevertheless, establishing your limits improves your chances of finding happiness.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You're still adjusting to a new outlook on life and you're not ready to share your thoughts yet. You can tell that your values are shifting now, but you don't know where your final priorities will end up. In the meantime, continue to put your best foot forward, even if your previous destination has lost its glimmer. Acknowledging that you're in a time of transformation relieves the pressure of having to finalize your plans. As with many things in nature, your process will unfold at its own rate.

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You may be so fascinated with a particular place today that you cannot get it out of your mind. Naturally, you travel-prone Archers aim your thoughts at distant targets and sometimes are lucky enough to pursue them in the real world. Nevertheless, you enjoy planning a future adventure once magnetic Venus moves into your 11th House of Friends. Sharing your dreams with a group of like-minded people inspires you to turn your fantasies into reality.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Making time to network within your community is crucial today, but not just because you enjoy the camaraderie. You also want to be part of a larger scene outside of your social sphere. Fortunately, charming Venus enters your 10th House of Status, creating favorable circumstances in the outer world and drawing powerful people into your orbit. For example, you could meet someone socially who is able to help you professionally. Nevertheless, it's best to enjoy an interaction for what it is in the moment, rather than encumbering it with your expectations. Your authenticity is your best selling point.

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You want to step outside of your regular routine to partake in an enjoyable experience that you can add to your scrapbook of memories. Although your current desires might not seem out of character to your closest friends, they may think it odd if you make a big commotion out of your wishes now. Nevertheless, your attraction to other cultures and new ideas can be slightly obsessive while indulgent Venus influences your 9th House of Big Ideas. Have fun exploring the possibilities, wherever your dreams might take you. Author William Arthur Ward wrote, "Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Your chores might be the defining factor of your day, but they won't detract from your inner work. You can do everything just right today, amazing your friends and family with your ability to deliver on your promises. However, they may not realize you're suppressing darker feelings because your smile is so bright. Ironically, the potential for healing is possible as long as you can see beyond your point of view. Nevertheless, you need to take the scary step of revealing your emotional process to someone you trust. Sharing your struggles is good for your heart.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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