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You might feel as if you're being shortchanged in a relationship today. It seems like you're not being heard, no matter what you say. Unfortunately, you may be so worried that you won't measure up to someone else's standards, that you don't even try. However, if you fail to show up now, you could inadvertently create the same situation you were trying to avert in the first place. Author Vironika Tugaleva wrote, "Fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Thinking that there is something to be avoided manifests something to avoid."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Every word you utter today seems to require extra effort. You might even be tempted to remain silent and save the communicating for another day. However, taskmaster Saturn tests gracious Venus as she visits your 5th House of Love, and it's not in your best interest to ignore this challenge. Although you may feel as if you're skating on thin ice at first, it becomes more solid as you start the conversational ball rolling. Face your internal struggles and watch the obstructions shatter as you speak your truth.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You may think you're shouting into the darkness today and could convince yourself that no one can hear you as you share your heart's desire. You have something important to say and it's your job to deliver your message even if it seems to fall on deaf ears. But, the truth is that someone might be listening, even if they are pretending otherwise. Your sweet words will have the impact you hope as long as you stay on point. Plato said, "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Your desires are pretty simple today. You're not expecting the Moon and the Stars, only the loyalty of a close friend. Nevertheless, you're concerned that you still may be asking for too much while needy Venus in your 3rd House of Communication squares naysaying Saturn. But don't assume the worst; your positive attitude improves the interpersonal dynamics, paving a road to emotional fulfillment. Professor Scott Sorrell said, "You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Love seems hard to find today, even if you know that everything will be okay in the long run. It's as if your heart is being squeezed through a narrow passage. Although it might not be pleasant in the moment, this process requires you to leave behind unnecessary emotional baggage. Keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel. You could be quite surprised by how exhilarated you feel once you get to the other side. President John Quincy Adams wrote, "Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Domestic responsibilities take up so much energy today that you are left without time to pursue your own interests. Nevertheless, your family relationships are of significant value to you, contributing to the stability of your personal life. Unfortunately, you must make choices because you can't do everything now. The long-term benefits of focusing on those you adore outweighs the fleeting satisfaction of pleasures that will not last. Coach John Wooden said, "Passion is momentary; love is enduring."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You're not very talkative today -- you don't have a lot to say if you can't say something nice. However, keeping your dark thoughts to yourself is not necessarily a wise plan. Delving into the shadows can quickly turn into a downward spiral. Unfortunately, if you suppress negative feelings now, they only gain strength. But self-doubt can be easily avoided by consciously choosing to discuss your dilemma instead of hiding it. Sharing the burden lightens the load.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You need a reality check from your friends today, partly because you're wondering if they really like you or if they are just humoring you. Thankfully, your current insecurity could lead to a heart-to-heart chat that enables everyone to put their feelings out into the open. Instead of criticizing someone else's behavior, try a more encouraging approach. Your attitude will determine the emotional tenor of the ensuing discussion. Esther Hicks wrote, "In optimism there is magic. In pessimism there is nothing."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You may feel blocked in your career, especially if you think your hard work has gone unnoticed. Regardless of how close you may be to success, it seems far away today. You might be considering a change of direction, but this is not a smart time to throw in the towel. Your greatest strength is your faith in your potential, so don't lose hope now. The glass is half-full, not half-empty; your job is to fill it the rest of the way. Dr. Joyce Brothers wrote, "A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You enjoy setting goals and then excel at creating viable plans to achieve them. Your objectives are clear now, and you're willing to commit all your resources toward reaching the pinnacle of your success. Although you may spend your time in contemplation today, you're busy strategizing for the action-packed days ahead. It's not necessary to rush into anything yet; you will be dancing in the spotlight soon enough. Seneca wrote, "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You have a strange feeling that something wonderful could happen today, but you're hesitant to buy into your fantasy because you're afraid of being disappointed. Whether or not your day turns into a magical one, the power of positive thinking makes all the difference in the world. Nevertheless, if nothing out of the ordinary materializes, don't write the day off as a failure. Your experience offers you an important lesson if you're open to it. A Chinese proverb teaches, "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

A friend or lover may ask you for a special favor today. Naturally, you want to help if possible. However, previous commitments might make it impossible to assist in the way you wish. Don't make any promises you cannot keep. It's better to say no right away than to end up being unreliable. The truth isn't always easy to deliver, but the sooner you address the facts, the better it is for everyone involved. Honesty is the kindest gift you can give now.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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