Try as you might to express yourself authentically, reality is elusive today. You're more than willing to explore the uncertainty of your emotions in search of stability, but each time you get close to the heart of the matter, the truth slips out of your reach. Although you may grow frustrated, thinking that you'll never figure out what's happening, eventually your persistence will pay off. In the meantime, cut yourself some slack and worry less about reconciling your intuitive perceptions with the current circumstances. A head full of fears has no space for dreams.
Your dreams can come true today as long as they are within reason. Although some of your fantasies might be far-fetched, you have the ability to discern which ones are realistic enough to pursue. However, limiting your process of imagination is a mistake; let your thoughts carry you wherever they may. It's tempting to bask in the glow of your own light, but manifestation requires action and perseverance. The more alternatives you have to choose from, the greater the chance of finding a golden opportunity.
You may obsess over an idealistic plan about what you can accomplish professionally. Of course, keeping a journal doesn't automatically mean you will write the next best-selling novel. However, reality doesn't prevent you from fantasizing about impossible goals. Although you might fall short when you compare your current circumstances with your unrestrained visions, don't let that stop you from dreaming. Abolitionist Harriet Tubman said, "Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
Concentrating on your work requires an intense effort today because your thoughts are drifting into the distant future. Uncharacteristically, you're just as comfortable thinking about tomorrow as you are remembering yesterday. But living only in the realm of potential doesn't empower your current actions. Fortunately, you receive a blast of cosmic pragmatism from the down-to-earth Taurus Moon that grounds the energy of your 11th House of Long-Term Goals. Imagine the possibilities, but keep your finger on the pulse of the present moment.
Your fantasies are so vivid today that they might confuse you. The good news is that everything is shrouded in a beautiful haze that hides the imperfections of the three-dimensional realms. Meanwhile, you hold your perceptions to be accurate indicators of what reality might be. Unfortunately, your sense organs are more likely to describe you than the world around you. Albert Einstein said, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
You want to cooperate with people in your immediate environment, but find it nearly impossible to do so. Coworkers are confusing when they say one thing yet mean something entirely different. Nevertheless, you won't let misunderstandings get in the way of your larger plans. There's no stopping you today if you can remain open to the conflicting messages you're receiving. As much as you wish a simple answer was obvious, it's not. Thankfully, the incomprehensible quality of relationships now is counterbalanced by your commitment to finding the truth, even if it takes time.
You are a walking paradox today. You appear to be as sensible as anyone, but your feet are not really on the ground. Although realistic Saturn is manifesting practical magic through valuable Venus in your 1st House of Self, other planetary indicators are elevating the importance of your spiritual pursuits now. Nevertheless, clarifying your real-world objectives helps you filter out the extraneous noise. Ultimately, dancing in the gray zone between self and other, night and day, or fact and fiction is where you'll find the most valuable rewards.
Someone in your life may be the source of your angst today as he or she seems to have all of the answers, but no questions. Meanwhile, your mind is churning out fantasy vignettes faster than you can analyze them for meaning. Don't impede the process by shifting into an intellectual approach. Thoughts won't take you far now at all. Watery emotions may move slower than airy ideas, but the currents are stronger than breezes and will endure. Stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.
You might think that your shot at fame and fortune has already come and gone, but there will be many more chances for you to proudly strut your stuff. Although you prefer to work behind the scenes now, you'll step onto center stage as soon as you think it's necessary. Thankfully, your performance will be top notch if you have the courage to trust your imagination. Once you dream it, you can make it real.
Although your vision of the future may be quite concrete -- with lots of specifics colored in with illuminating detail -- you still could feel lost because you don't know which way to turn next. You're not happy when your course of action is unclear. In fact, you might actually pretend to have a game plan in your possession so you don't look ill-prepared for the tasks ahead. Nevertheless, there's no valid reason to project false self-confidence now. Author Eckhart Tolle wrote, "When you become comfortable with uncertainty, infinite possibilities open up in your life."
There is no career goal that's out of reach now and no personal dream that's impossible. Your vivid imagination has snatched the reins of control away from reason. You recently bumped up against your limitations and are now ready for another attempt to break through them. Fortunately, inspirational Neptune is harmonizing with the willful Sun as it shines in your 10th House of Status, blessing you with the power of positive thought. Yesterday's impossibilities are today's probabilities.
You are hooked on your search for truth today and won't stop until you find it. The passionate Scorpio Sun is illuminating your 9th House Journeys, urging you to head out prior to answering your existential questions. However, you may be so good at spinning yards while dreamy Neptune is in the picture, that you slip into believing in the truth of your fantastic stories right along with everyone else. Businessman Robert Half said, "Convincing yourself does not win an argument."
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