Although today is a day of rest for some people, you're too busy to think about relaxing. The Moon's shift into your 3rd House of Communication keeps you hopping with an endless flow of phone calls, emails and texts. Everyone seems to enjoy their interactions with you now because of your optimistic outlook and enthusiastic response. Thankfully, there's much to be learned from this stream of casual interactions with friends. Kindness grows where kindness is sowed.
Your friends might seem a bit flighty today but you want them to come back to Earth for a serious conversation about an important topic. You wish they would react with passion from the heart rather than hiding behind cool rationality. Nevertheless, other people's intellectual idealism is so reassuring that you want to believe them. Thankfully, there's no reason to look for stress when it's not there. The Dalai Lama teaches, "Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace."
Focusing on one thing at a time is challenging today. You want to do everything in the present moment and cannot understand why this is impossible. Someone might try to show you the folly of your ways, but you may need to learn for yourself. In the meantime, you could thoroughly enjoy indulging every whim, even if you seem scattered to others. Nevertheless, paring back your activities just a bit allows you to experience each one more profoundly. Author Terry Tempest Williams wrote, "To slow down is to be taken into the soul of things."
Your thoughts are racing through your mind and they seem to have a life of their own. You might try to ignore them, but the more you shift your focus to other things, the louder they become. Instead of burying your ideas -- however irrelevant they may seem -- try sharing them with a friend and see where the conversation goes. You don't need to have an agenda, just a willingness to engage in an open dialogue without any desire to lead it in any particular direction. As the Beatles sang, "Oh that magic feeling... nowhere to go."
You're less interested in what you do today than you are in planning for your future. However, you don't feel any pressure to come up with a specific strategy; you are content to dream about all the possibilities that stretch out before you. Still, some idea might be exciting enough that you want to initiate action immediately. It's not time to get hung up in practicalities; express your intentions however you can. Psychologist Brene Brown wrote, "What's the greater risk? Letting go of what people think - or letting go of how I feel, what I believe, and who I am?"
You may feel as if you're in a poem by Robert Frost, standing at the divergence of two roads. You're not sure which one will further your success, but the dualistic Gemini Moon's visit to your 10th House of Status makes it difficult to eliminate either. Although you might be required to make a choice now, there is no reason to squelch the other dream. You can follow one path while keeping the other alive in your heart.
The walls that normally keep you on course have suddenly disappeared. The Moon's move into your 9th House of Faraway Places pulls your attention away from the most pressing concerns and far into the future. Although it might seem frightening at first because there's nothing to prevent you from making a wrong move, you have the freedom now to explore options that were previously off limits. But before you do something you regret, entertain the various possibilities in your imagination rather than in reality. You must arrive somewhere in your mind prior to finding your way there in real life.
You possess the ability to analyze your emotions with logic rather than passion today. Thankfully, this objective approach paves the way for you to tackle a complicated issue. Taking a philosophical look at those things that are the most important to you enables you to dig right to the core of your beliefs. Just remember that overconfidence doesn't serve you well because you might forget the gravity of a situation when other people's feelings are involved, too. Author Mason Cooley wrote, "Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves."
Your cavalier approach to a relationship may not sit well with the other person. Don't try to avoid an in-depth discussion just because it could bring up an uncomfortable topic. If someone wants to talk things over, your job now is to create safe space for the conversation. Communication isn't always easy, especially when there is a real and defined difference of opinions. Nevertheless, the tension will likely begin to dissipate once the door to compromise is opened. Statesman Mark Udall said, "Genuine dialogue, not rhetorical bomb-throwing, leads to progress."
You can think of so many little ways you can improve your health today that you might feel unable to make up your mind and do any one of the them. Ironically, you're often a master of developing successful strategies, but you can't seem to settle on even the simplest of plans now. Every new idea leads to several others, adding more branches to your tree of possibilities. Go ahead and enjoy the view as long as you remember you can't do it all. Author Seth Godin wrote, "In a world where we have too many choices and too little time, the obvious thing to do is just ignore stuff."
Your communication skills enable you to say exactly what you mean today, leaving little doubt in anyone's mind about your true intentions. Thankfully, you can easily win people over to your side of an argument by ignoring convention and taking a creative approach to sharing whatever is on your mind. Don't stop to think about someone's reaction now because it will only introduce a seed of doubt into your thinking process. Poet Letitia Elizabeth Landon wrote, "Of all the follies that we can commit, the greatest is to hesitate."
You may do your best thinking at home today, even if you're devising a strategy to reach your objectives at work next week. Although you're envisioning the future, your effective planning range now can be measured in days, not weeks. You realize that the more specific you are now, the more effective you will be. Nevertheless, don't lose sight of the bigger picture; your daily routine will only make sense once you see it in light of the greater whole. Perspective changes everything.
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