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You may grow anxious today as you struggle to use your logic to manage your feelings. You're willing to explore the irrational realms of emotions because you enjoy the accompanying adrenaline rush that stems from your inability to handle a situation. But you're in a love-hate relationship with your need to be in control. Experiencing chaos is thrilling, but only for a few minutes at a time. The excitement quickly fades when you realize the magnitude of your uncertainty. Actor Tom Hanks said, "A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You might be attracted to someone today because they are so different from you. Although you enjoy the simple things of life, you could find yourself fascinated with the most complicated person you ever met. You may feel a compulsive need to connect with the flip side of your coin. But some relationships are better left to the imagination because of the problems they create in the real world. Spiritual teacher Jean Houston said, "No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You long to be left to your own devices today and you don't want any distractions. In fact, you could temporarily shut everyone out to avoid a potentially awkward moment. You can see a positive outcome for the work you do, but your road to success is not a straight one. Thankfully, your concentration is unparalleled now, making it difficult for anyone to impede your progress. Create a plan, narrow your field of vision, and don't take your eyes off your goal until you reach it.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Your state of heightened sensitivity is a mixed blessing today. You can intuitively sense people's reactions to the complex dynamics before they are even aware of their own emotions. Nevertheless, you can't say anything yet or your response will fall on deaf ears. Respecting someone's personal space creates an opportunity for them to talk. You must wait until the subject is brought up for discussion by the other person before sharing your opinion on the matter. As Tom Petty sang, "The waiting is the hardest part."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You don't want people to know that you're wrestling with feelings that don't fit into your immediate situation. Rather than complicating the current circumstances, you may think it's easier to just keep your personal drama to yourself. You might be surprised how easy it is to continue a conversation by chatting about everything except what's in your heart. However, creating a split between your inner and outer worlds only amplifies your stress. President James A. Garfield wrote, "The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Your desires are extremely focused today; you know what you want and can share your needs with great clarity. In fact, your words might be so direct now that you catch others off guard. People don't have sufficient time to erect barriers, especially if they hope to avoid a conversation that is too revealing. But you are a master of strategy and can slide right past someone's defensive perimeter before they know what happened. Author Jim Rohn wrote, "If you just communicate, you can get by. But if you communicate skillfully, you can work miracles."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You might act tough today, but those close to you can see right through your game face. The truth is you care so much about others that everyone with a wounded heart or self-doubting brain becomes your next project. However, you worry that your attempts at fixing them will likely fall short of your intentions, prompting you to emotionally withdraw so people don't see your vulnerability. Stop hiding behind your fears. Push through your self-judgment and reveal your softer side. There's no need for you to solve anyone else's problems. Just showing up with your integrity intact does more good than you realize.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You might be unclear about your long-term goals now, but you can't bury your feelings in the present moment. You know in your heart that love is the answer, no matter what the question is. Unfortunately, sharing your personal stories can make someone uncomfortable, especially if they think you're revealing more than they need to know. Nevertheless, this is not a good enough reason to hide behind a veil of social acceptability. Take a risk and confront your self-imposed limitations. If not now, when? If not you, who?

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You continue to ride a wave of self-confidence today, but you're also beginning to wonder if too much disclosure starts to lessen the impact of your words. You still move through your day portraying the optimist, especially if you consciously refocus your intentions on your objective. However, something is lost when you're so singularly attentive to one goal. Soften your resolve just a bit and make space for the magic to enter your life from the outside in.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You are extremely selective when it comes to expressing your feelings to others. Obviously, you must trust the person first and they need to demonstrate their loyalty to you. However, you're more than willing to deepen a friendship or to take a potential romance to the next level once certain requirements have been met. However, navigating interpersonal relationships is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Don't jump in too hard and fast, or you could easily frighten away the very person you're trying to attract. The magnet of love requires a gentle touch.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Paradoxically, quietly working behind the scenes today can gain you notoriety. You're happiest now when you're efficiently performing your work-related chores, whether or not anyone notices. In fact, every task you complete places you one step closer to your long-term goals. Fortunately, karma is operating in your favor now and your current concentration on the details will be rewarded sooner than you expect. Tony Robbins teaches, "It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It's what we do consistently."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You're dreaming of that fantasy getaway again, but this time you vow to make it come true. Luckily, your financial outlook is optimistic now, and you might be able to swing your vacation by next summer. But don't just run off the deep end; create a travel budget and start putting away a set amount of money every month. You'll have the resources you need to pull off another amazing adventure before you know it. Abraham-Hicks said, "Use your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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