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Although you expect others to reveal their secrets and share their feelings with you, you might not be willing to respond in the same manner. Unfortunately, one-way communication creates an awkward dynamic that sabotages your intentions to deepen a relationship. Self-analysis can help you to pinpoint the source of your resistance to open up. You may be afraid of being vulnerable if you show your cards. Obstacles are put in your path to see if what you want is really worth fighting for now. Your willingness to push past your fears determines your happiness.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You're very empathic today, but you may be picking up something on your emotional radar that you can't quite wrap your head around. You can tell that you're missing some facts and you're on a mission to find them. But if you just start asking a bunch of questions, the information you're seeking becomes even harder to find. The most fruitful approach to your search is an indirect one now. Watch for signs and follow your instincts. You already know the truth; you only need to remember it.

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You might find yourself in a struggle for control with a powerful person today. Or you may need to clarify financial arrangements with a business partner. Either way, you won't be able to reach a satisfactory settlement if you rely on force to make your case. Emotions, not logic, rule the day. Expressing your feelings without blaming anyone else allows trust to grow as others discover what you are willing to bring to the table. Ultimately, cooperation, not competition, leads to success.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Your coworkers might be afraid to discuss an important matter with you today because they're worried that you'll take their words too personally. But even if they say nothing, you may notice that there is an energetic break, leading you to assume the worst. Thankfully, you're in no danger of contributing to the strange tension if you foster an emotionally safe space where anything can be shared without fear of judgment or retribution. A meaningful conversation turns a cold gray day into a bright sunny one.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Telling someone what you want is nearly impossible today because isolating any one feeling is extremely complicated. Every single desire exists as part of a complex web of interrelated considerations. By sharing one thread, you're not in any way describing the tapestry from which it came. You may need to use more tools than language alone in order to make your point. Psychiatrist William Glasser wrote, "If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Participating in planned activities with your community or your coworkers can be quite entertaining today, but solely defining your identity with your social experiences isn't healthy. Spending time with others deepens your personal connections, but don't surrender your power to discover who you are on your own. Hindu sage Ramana Maharshi said, "Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You want your actions to be noticed by others today, yet you don't necessarily agree with the principles behind your assignment. Logic tells you to go ahead and do your job, but your intuition is shouting no. Nevertheless, you take your role as a team player very seriously. You might think you're demonstrating strength by remaining silent, but keeping your thoughts to yourself is actually a sign of weakness now. Thomas Carlyle wrote, "Conviction is worthless unless it is converted into conduct."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You might not have a lot to say today, but you're plugged into your most powerful feelings and you want to make sure everyone knows your position. There are many ways aside from words to effectively communicate with a significant other. Sharing a magical experience or expressing yourself through a gesture of love can be more meaningful than delivering a string of all the right words. Showing your appreciation through positive action conveys your message with a clarity that can't be misunderstood.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

An intense exchange with someone special can transcend the boundaries that normally define and confine you. But you won't back down once you reveal your opinion on a sensitive topic. Standing up for your beliefs is normally admirable, but don't let your stubbornness turn into a useless obsession. Experiencing the emotional power that's being released now can feel overwhelming if it's bottled up. Stop making excuses today. Channel your passion into everything you do.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

A friend's intuitive advice may push your buttons today. It's as if others know what motivates you now and they show up ready to support your actions. But no one is demanding that you achieve greatness; their primary concern is to validate your dreams and nurture your soul. Fortunately, someone can make a real difference in your life without being rich or brilliant. All they need to do is demonstrate that they care. Love works in mysterious ways.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Health-related issues may be on your mind today. You might modify your intake of vitamins and herbs if you're feeling just a tad below the weather. But even if your stamina is strong, consider what improvements you could make to your daily regimen. Keep in mind that anything you do now, however inconsequential it seems, can have a profound influence over time. Confucius said, "The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You're quietly optimistic today, but might not let others know that you're busy envisioning your ideal future. You may downplay your big dreams now because you really don't want them to be scrutinized by anyone else just yet. There's no need to waste precious time defending your plans when you prefer to share them only after things are further along in development. Don't tell people your dreams. Show them.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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