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Enthusiasm replaces despair today, setting the stage for a much-needed breakthrough. Although expressing your individuality is crucial, don't overplay your hand. Thankfully, the industrious Virgo Full Moon illuminates your 6th House of Work, revealing unusual ways to be more efficient on the job. But it's not about reaching your goals now; it's about accepting your place in the larger scheme of things. Your potential for finding satisfaction seems unlimited, yet what you do now can be the firm foundation on which you build throughout the weeks ahead.

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Self-expression is a top priority now, but it's not wise to become so involved in fulfilling your own needs that you forget to support others in the process. The Virgo Full Moon lights up your 5th House of Play, blending your yearning to be creative with your craving for fun. Experiencing pleasure is an essential key to your happiness. Giving freely from your heart, rather than trying to win someone's approval, leads to rewards beyond your expectations. Don't sweat the small stuff; ride the tides of inspiration until your soul is satisfied.

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You may find unexpected calm in the middle of a sea of change, giving you precious time to get your plans in order. The Virgo Full Moon brightens your 4th House of Domestic Conditions, bringing an overall sense of well-being. But there is no room for complacency, for whatever you do now has a profound and lasting impact. This lunation also opposes an imaginative Sun-Neptune conjunction, activating your creative fantasies. Rather than limiting your options by sticking to tedious work, write a poem, paint a picture or commune with nature. Let your mind follow your muse wherever it roams.

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Big ideas come tumbling down-to-earth today as you start to turn your visions into tangible results. The pragmatic Virgo Full Moon validates your 3rd House of Information, reminding you of the importance of organizing your thoughts and communicating them as precisely as you can. But your attention continues to bounce between the exhilaration of unrestrained epiphanies and the monotony of life's necessary little details. Consciously address the most fundamental matters while maintaining an active mental link to your intuition.

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The logistics of managing both your ambitious agenda and your fluctuating resources begin to hit home today. You must make a decision that can affect your long-term financial health while the practical Virgo Full Moon magnifies your 2nd House of Money. Although you might hesitate to work with someone in particular, don't let your emotional attachments obstruct your critical thinking now. Venture capitalist Fred Adler wrote, "Happiness is a positive cash flow."

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There's no point in trying to quell the strong emotions rising to the surface now, no matter how much they disrupt your logical train of thought. Other people may inspire you to tackle new tasks while the industrious Virgo Full Moon opposes intuitive Neptune in your 7th House of Partners. Adopting a less critical attitude empowers you to speak the truth with the sweet simplicity that makes it easier for others to understand. When your intentions are on target the small stuff works itself out on its own. Artists and dreamers recognize your talents in ways you might not.

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Your dreams are larger than life now and your secretive smile reveals your belief that they will come true. The Virgo Full Moon shines in your 12th House of Destiny, empowering you to weave together the fragments of many separate ideas to start you moving in the right direction again. Fortunately, you can capitalize on a significant wave of opportunity that is currently rolling into your life. Make decisions about your future, initiate action on a plan that's germinating, or reaffirm your commitment to your current path. Mark Twain wrote, "The secret to getting ahead is getting started."

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Separating your professional and personal lives keeps the pressure of your work from spoiling your appetite for pleasure. However, you must perform with greater precision now if you hope to collaborate effectively with others. Be selective with your commitments because expansive Jupiter in your sign is currently tempting you to overextend yourself in search of pleasure. Thankfully, the earthy Virgo Full Moon highlights your 11th House of Teamwork, urging you to balance your individual desires with the long-term goals of your community. Be part of something bigger than yourself.

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You can see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, giving you a brief chance to look back into your past as long as you remember your next adventure is ahead of you on the road of life. You may be hard-pressed to contain your joy while astrology's lucky charms, Venus and Jupiter, are harmoniously aligned. But the meticulous Virgo Full Moon spotlights your 10th House of Career, reminding you to pay careful attention to details even if you're already content with the direction of your life. Remember, it's not about where you've been, but where you are going.

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Your creativity and charisma sparkle when you indulge in each moment instead of hurrying to reach your goal. Nevertheless, your tendency to put work before play is amplified by the methodical Virgo Full Moon landing in your 9th House of Future Vision. The current cosmic weather is excellent for long-range planning as long as you don't fret about minor issues that may never arise. Finding the balance between your ambitions and wild abandon can reward you personally and give you the fuel to sustain your efforts for the journey to success.

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You might not be able to sidestep money issues now, especially if there are others involved in your financial picture. Ultimately, joy finds you as a propitious Venus-Jupiter trine augments your enthusiasm about your future. The Virgo Full Moon brightens your 8th House of Shared Resources, encouraging you to carefully invest with a partner. However, there's so much noise coming from so many directions that it's important to find time to relax and soothe your overactive nerves. Utilize the power of positive thinking to visualize exactly what you want to manifest in the weeks ahead.

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Your natural tendency is to be trusting and open-minded, but it's crucial not to let others influence you to make decisions that go against your instincts. The discerning Virgo Full Moon reflects your 7th House of Partners, connecting you with people who provide valuable data in unexpected ways. But the facts may not resonate with your deeper feelings and needs now, so take your time before acting on them. Although relationship flaws might become more obvious, so do the ways to fix them. Bryant McGill wrote, "You best teach others about healthy boundaries by enforcing yours on them."

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