You might be less inclined today to run off by yourself as you Rams are prone to do. However, the Libra Moon's presence in your 7th House of Relationships reflects your need to share your experiences with a companion. Nevertheless, you still could escape into your fantasy world for a solo adventure now -- and others probably won't even know you are missing. It's much easier to come and go in your mind because you don't have to explain your motives to anyone at all. John Lennon said, "Reality leaves a lot to the imagination."
You are eagerly looking forward to tying up loose ends on some unfinished chores. However, the ambivalent Libra Moon is drifting through your 6th House of Daily Routine, encouraging a more lackadaisical attitude. It's easier to talk about what you intend to accomplish rather than actually taking the initiative and going to work. Obviously, you won't have much to show for yourself at the end of the day unless you get started now. Today is proof that actions speak louder than words.
You're willing to go out of your way to make others comfortable today. Although you might believe you possess the power to bring emotional equilibrium to those you love, you are likely overestimating your capabilities. Although you can nurture people by contributing to their wellbeing, you can't make anyone else feel what you want them to feel. Your good intentions could backfire if you discover your efforts were for naught. Thankfully, balancing your concern for everyone else with taking care of your own needs ensures your gracious behavior will please you, even if no one else.
While you dream of other times and places, you're happiest in the emotionally familiar surroundings of your home and family. Although there may be no other place you wish to be now, you can sense a subtle uneasiness that lurks just out of sight. You don't know whether it's wiser to let the strange feelings simmer or to go searching in the shadows for the missing pieces to the puzzle of reality. Unfortunately, too much looking only blinds you from the truth. Novelist Elizabeth Bowen wrote, "No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye."
You're pretty confident that with enough concentration you can make all the variables fit together today. However, the objective Libra Moon's visit to your 3rd House of Distractions only teases you with the notion that a logical approach will allow you to create a workable schedule. Unfortunately, there are more unexpected twists in your day than in a pretzel. It might require a minor crisis for you to actually let go of control now. Paradoxically, everything may magically fall into place once you do.
You're not sure if you can believe everything you're being told now. But it's not that others are purposefully trying to mislead you; it's just they might be influenced by their personal perspectives, which are different from yours. Instead of just acting on someone else's conclusions, follow your own intuition. Consider your core values and choose your path from the alternatives by comparing them with your internal moral compass. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "Self-trust is the first secret of success."
You see yourself as the consummate host or hostess today, even if you're not throwing a party. Anyone who enters your immediate environment is likely to feel your gentle presence as you add your supportive touch to their world. The reflective Moon is hanging out in diplomatic Libra, enabling you to rely on your intuition to understand what others want. Just make sure to give people enough space to breathe. You can be most effective when you know when to back off. Winnie The Pooh said, "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts."
You aren't necessarily direct in your expression of love today. In fact, you might hide your feelings because you don't want to place yourself in a vulnerable position. As is often the case, your incisive perspective needs to be heard, but you're waiting for a more opportune time to deliver your message. Your heartfelt communication will be more persuasive in a couple of days, once the Moon shifts into passionate Scorpio. In the meantime, quietly cultivate your emotions and see where they carry you. Francis Bacon wrote, "Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom."
You are pulled in two directions today. On one hand, you dream about a quiet day at home, listening to music or watching movies as you let the world pass you by unnoticed. On the other hand, you crave the fellowship of like-minded people and may feel restless unless you're in the company of your friends. Normally, this dilemma could be solved with a little creative scheduling. Unfortunately, you can't seem to juggle the various activities to fit everything into your day. Stephen Covey wrote, "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities."
There's never a convenient time to question previously made decisions about your career, but unfortunately, you're not sure that your current goals are best for you in the long run. The ambivalent Libra Moon raises one uncertainty after another as she travels through your 10th House of Public Life, making complicated connections with several planets today. The more you try to think your way to a conclusion, the muddier the whole situation becomes. Buddha taught, "The root of suffering is attachment." Although you prefer to be in the driver's seat, letting go is the secret to your success.
You may think you have a solid handle on your future, but the cosmos is poised to show you something you don't know. There are exciting developments ahead which open up a whole new avenue for your exploration, making it too soon to finalize all your plans yet. Move at a pace that feels right; you have more time than you realize. Nothing is gained by rushing to figure everything out all at once. Embrace the magic of the unknown and let your life surprise you as it unfolds.
You are like a deep-sea diver today, protected by your pressurized suit and an ample supply of fresh oxygen. However, your environment may not be as friendly as you wish, prompting you to rely on impenetrable barriers between you and others. Your compassion is a double-edged sword now; although you want to help everyone less fortunate than you, you might be overwhelmed by the magnitude of fear and suffering in the world. Although your empathy is admirable, you are not required to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.
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