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Sometimes there's really nothing you can do but surrender to the mysteries of the unknown realms. Although your resistance may be driven by fear now, you quickly discover that there's an entire world of pleasure outside the fences of your familiar playground. Tuning into these frequencies can be tricky at first, for you must soften your view of the material domain to perceive what lies beyond it. Playwright Eden Phillpotts wrote, "The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper."

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You want to lose yourself into your community of friends or extended family today. Simultaneously, you expect to maintain your individuality at all cost. Needless to say, balancing these desires is problematic, but the solution might arrive from a different direction. Your imagination is the most powerful force at your disposal now, enabling you to reprogram your overactive drive for self-protection. Inspirational author Shannon L. Alder wrote, "The only real conflict you will ever have in your life won't be with others, but with yourself."

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Although you may finally have idle time set aside for rest and relaxation, it might end up being more planned than you initially imagined. Ironically, your need to give some structure to your calendar could be overcompensation to prevent the day from being filled up with helping others. Obviously, being of service is highly commendable, but it's healthier now to balance being a good Samaritan with being good to yourself. Oscar Wilde wrote, "Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live."

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Your spiritual practice can take you on a journey to the far reaches of the universe today. Wherever you find religion -- in meditation, nature, yoga, or church -- the results are the same. You are seeking the magical feeling you experience when you and the cosmos are one, and you might just get a glimpse of that metaphysical truth now. But even if you fall short of your expectations, it's the quest and not the destination that enhances your life. Theologian Matthew Fox wrote, "It doesn't matter where you dig the well; you will still reach the same water."

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You might appear to be satisfied with lighthearted conversations today, but you're actually yearning for something more. Happily, you can use words to take you and a partner down a path that leads to intimacy as long as you listen as much as you speak. Language opens the door to shared sacred realms, but you must walk through to the other side to experience the ineffable wonders found there. Wisdom teacher Jean Houston wrote, "We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released."

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Falling in love with love is so easy today that's it's almost unavoidable. Paradoxically, the messenger is not as important as the message. You are being presented with a glimmer of the infinite in every person you meet, regardless of how it may show up. Unfortunately, everyone is socially conditioned to confuse other people's personalities, bodies and actions with their connections to the divine. Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön wrote, "Our true nature is like a precious jewel: although it may be temporarily buried in mud, it remains completely brilliant and unaffected. We simply have to uncover it."

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Rather than trying to stick with a schedule today, follow your dreams instead of your appointment book. You are receiving special dispensation from the cosmos, allowing you to replace your regular Sunday routine with whatever you choose. You can't escape your chores forever, but you can rearrange activities and responsibilities to give you more time to travel inward. Novelist Kurt Vonnegut wrote, "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you'll wake up and realize those were the big things."

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Love arrives in a plethora of forms; you can be attracted to a place, an idea, a work of art, or another person. Thankfully, if you stop nursing an old emotional wound, the magic of spontaneity takes over and pushes you through your lingering resistance. Forget about relying on logic to work through your feelings today, since the head doesn't rule the heart. Nevertheless, distinguishing between previous hurts and current relationships helps you gain a healthier perspective. Botanist Paul Boese wrote, "Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future."

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Compelling dreams stream forth from a very private place deep within your soul today, stirring unrealistic desires to make them come true. But your current visions are not of this world and are impossible to fulfill, leaving you with a sense of dissatisfaction. However, there is something magical about the quest you are about to undertake through your investigation of these fantasies. They are a catalyst and don't need to be expressed in the material world to influence your life in a positive manner. Photojournalist Dan Eldon wrote, "The journey is the destination."

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Sharing quality time with someone who knows you well satisfies your urge to be recognized for who you are. Although you're not usually one for chitchat, you're likely to carry on long conversations about trivial matters today. Oddly enough, you gain a certain sense of normalcy from the ongoing dialogue. It's not about what is said; it's simply the feeling of connectedness you get from the personal interaction. Psychologist Brené Brown wrote, "Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect."

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Your relationship to your physical possessions is tenuous today. You might postpone a repair or delay starting a home improvement project for no reason other than it sounds boring. Instead, you might slip into a daydream where you have enough money that you can pay to get anything fixed or just buy another one. Although the fantasy of material wealth is alluring, it won't fulfill the longings of your heart. The richest people aren't those who have the most, but those who need the least.

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It's nearly impossible to distinguish between your romantic illusions and the reality of a current relationship. It's as if your truth filter has a layer of grime on it, preventing you from perceiving things as they are now, rather than as you imagine them to be. On the positive side, you see perfection in others, even where it's lacking. On the negative side, self-deception leads you down a troubled path. Patience is your friend today. Clarity comes to those who wait.

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