Rather than embracing your commitments today, you may be considering ways to evade them or, at least, to lighten your load. Many opportunities grab your attention but you're reminded that you cannot pursue them if they conflict with your unforgiving schedule. Nevertheless, you're still tempted to flirt with the edge of rebellion. Thankfully, it's easier to restrain your desire to follow a whim than to think about facing the music for your actions later on. Work now; play later.
You are painfully aware that you have much more to offer the world than people think. It's not that anyone in particular is dismissing your contribution; it's just that they don't realize what you could do if you were given the chance. However, there may be another side to this dilemma, too. Your biggest and best ideas could seem unrealistic to you, prompting you to set them aside. But falling back into the status quo discourages you from stretching to reach for the unrealized possibilities ahead. Don't settle for less when anything is possible.
You may become frustrated if you're in a situation that demands one hundred percent of your attention. You prefer it when there's a bit of wiggle room to make a quick phone call, send a text or just close your eyes and slip into a parallel universe for a minute or two. Unfortunately, you won't likely have the luxury of enough freedom of movement now to satisfy your wishes. The good news is how quickly your hard work will be noticed or even rewarded. Today's sweat brings tomorrow's smile.
Your quiet demeanor could leave you feeling isolated today. However, examining your motives might reveal your aversion to being distracted by everyone else's projects and problems because you don't want to lose focus on your own. Your cautious behavior doesn't stem from a desire to be alone; your goal now is to turn your inner passions into outer manifestations -- and you can't do that while attending to others. Author Nathan W. Morris wrote, "It's not always that we need to do more but rather that we need to focus on less."
Your personal life is the source of great inspiration now, but you may need to consciously choose to deepen your emotional connection to someone special. Unfortunately, your job isn't necessarily as flexible as you wish to give you enough time to pursue a relationship. But don't make any impulsive decisions based on binary thinking, even if it feels like you're facing an either/or choice. You might not get everything you want all at once, but juggling realities combined with a bit of patience improves your chances of lasting satisfaction.
Your sensitivity is a mixed blessing today. On one hand, your empathy enables you to connect to your coworkers on a more meaningful basis. You're intuitively aware of their needs and can meet them halfway on many issues that otherwise would be invisible to you. On the other hand, you're also aware of the unspoken feelings that impact a relationship. Although you may be able to see what's missing or where you fall short of someone's expectations, you can't always convert your knowledge into tangible results. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
You hope to keep your feelings under wraps today because you're afraid that people won't approve. Nevertheless, your unwillingness to express your true self can create more of a break in the energetic flow than any negative judgment from others. Naturally, exposing your emotions is always a risk, but sometimes the calculations are in your favor. Taking the high road and revealing your heart might be just the catalyst needed to push a stuck relationship into a new phase. Psychologist Brené Brown wrote, "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change."
Your friends might be worried about your wellbeing if you appear to be unavailable. However, their perceptions may have more to do with their insecurities than with your current behavior. Nevertheless, it doesn't require much effort on your part to let others know that you are fine, but focused more on your inner world, your responsibilities and your future. Make sure those who could be most affected by your absence understand that you're not harboring ill will toward them. Although you may be annoyed that you need to explain your actions now, it will be worth it in the long run for everyone involved.
You're working with such a detailed agenda for getting ahead in your career now that people who know you wonder if it's really you. Normally, you're more inclined to sketch out a general outline and fill in everything else along the way. Nevertheless, you can see the benefit of putting more effort into your preparation today. Don't waste energy worrying about what anyone else is thinking. However, your ability to adapt to changing circumstances could make the difference between failure and success. Denis Waitley wrote, "Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised."
Separating your long-term dreams from your concrete objectives can be quite a challenge today because your approach to the future is already so practical. Ironically, your well-defined goals could actually have a reverse effect, hindering your overall accomplishments rather than enhancing them if you set them too low. The problem arises from the possibility that your performance will outshine your assumptions. Keep in mind that no one rises to low expectations.
People can see the sparkle in your eyes today, even if you're working hard to meet your current obligations. In fact, the more effort you put into achieving success, the brighter your aura glows. It's as if you are being fueled by your own anticipation of the future. However, you may be hiding inconvenient emotions now. Consciously managing your feelings for a short time might accelerate your momentum, but it can impede your progress if you make it a permanent strategy. Dr. Seuss wrote, "Live life to express, not to impress."
You might feel like others are being unfair in their overly harsh assessments of your productivity today. It's as if they don't understand all the work that you do or what you contribute to the larger cause. Nevertheless, you know that your actions ultimately will speak louder than your words, giving you no choice but to continue following your chosen path. Novelist Paulo Coelho wrote, "Stress, anxiety and depression are caused when we are living to please others."
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