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You can't decide whether to push ahead against bad odds or if you should pay attention to the signs, pack your bags and go home. Obviously, quitting is not in your best interest, yet acknowledging the current resistance in a calm manner can make a significant difference. Expect the seeds that you're now planting to bloom into a colorful spray of infinite beauty. Just don't assume that the flowers are all yours. George Carlin said, "Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body."

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Once you know where you want to go, you sit down and make a plan to reach your desired destination. Not much can stop you once you are in motion. However, you may inadvertently set up your own failure by dreaming about an objective you cannot reach. Establishing smart priorities is useful as long as your expectations are realistic. Manifesting your visions requires hard work, but it's only possible when both feet are on the ground. Author Jim Rohn wrote, "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment."

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You know that you lack consistency in your approach to work and you wonder if changing your modus operandi would make sense. You naturally do well when you can apply the gas for a while and then take your foot off the accelerator and coast for a bit. You are well adapted to this on-again, off-again style. Unfortunately, this uneven rhythm is not moving you closer to your overall goal. Take the scenic route and focus on milestones you can easily accomplish along the way.

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You're capable of flying under the radar today by downplaying your talents and minimizing your skills. It's as if you slipped into Harry Potter's invisibility cloak and disappeared. The fact that others don't see you now, even when they are staring directly at you, enables you to move around unencumbered. On some days, this lack of attention would be hard to swallow but it's currently a welcome relief. Introspection is a useful tool for growth, but only if it's followed by the swift execution of your plan. Actress Lori Myers said, "It's not enough to fill your head with wondrous ideas -- you must initiate action."

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You are motivated to squeeze every possible drop of magic out of every chance meeting today. In fact, you want more from every aspect of your life. Your desire to get ahead at work is driven by your expensive tastes now. The truth is there are beautiful items you wish to own, and you need to increase your income in order to have more cash on hand for discretionary spending. However, your heart knows that material wealth is not a substitute for happiness. Singer Kinky Friedman said, "Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail."

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Making progress is difficult when your goals continue to change. Unfortunately, your objectives at work are ambiguous now, and your boss may encourage your flexibility so you can keep up with your obligations. Paradoxically, being on high alert and ready to respond in a moment's notice demands a significant amount of attention because you never know in which direction you'll need to run. Dr. Debasish Mridha wrote, "Intelligence does not always define wisdom, but adaptability to change does."

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For someone who is such a relationship pro, you can't make sense out of the entangled energy today. There's a part of you that believes everything will sort itself out in a day or two, but you don't have time to just wait and see how it all unfolds. You are hopeful that your involvement in a little melodrama can take the edge off the collective tension, allowing everyone else to play a larger role in finding resolution. Diplomacy is your game when peace is your aim. Sun Tzu wrote, "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

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You might feel as if you ran into a solid brick wall today, yet you can't perceive anything of substance. Upon closer examination, you realize that it's your own limitations creating the blockages. The only way you can get around them is by fully understanding which events in your past cause you to recreate the same obstacle again and again. Revisiting an old trauma may be the necessary catalyst that cuts through a difficult situation and sets you on the road to resolution. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Only in the darkness can you see the stars."

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Luck tends to be on your side, but it does appear as if the deck is stacked against you today -- and you are not happy about the odds. Every time you undertake a project, someone undermines your work. Each positive step you take seems to stir up negative consequences now. Although you already have a game plan in place, it makes sense to lay low until the energy shifts back in your favor. Comedian Craig Bruce wrote, "You usually have to wait for that which is worth waiting for."

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Although people smile and say everything is just fine, you can see right through their defensive smokescreens now. However, you have rhino skin, and don't believe that anyone can see into your heart unless you specifically let them. But you interact with others in anticipation of creating a bit of magic today. You hope to find treasure buried beneath a rainbow's end, but you won't likely get what you're looking for as long as you seek it somewhere else. Filmmaker David Lynch wrote, "True happiness is not out there. True happiness lies within."

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Your nervous system is on the mend, but your brain is still buzzing from all of yesterday's excitement. Fortunately, there's plenty you can do today to help put your life back in order. But sometimes action is more about self-care than doing anything for others. Although finding time to rest may be tricky because your schedule is already so busy, taking care of your body is a top priority now. Hippocrates wrote, "Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."

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Although inescapable commitments are stacking up on your to-do list, you are pleased that your life is so busy today. After floating around in the cosmos for a while, it's crucial to feel the solid earth under your feet again. As much as you enjoy exploring the backroads of your imagination, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get real. John C. Maxwell wrote, "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

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