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You tend to view most emotions as distractions. Nevertheless, you cannot seem to stop yourself from sharing your feelings today. The blunt Aries Moon is happily conversing with loquacious Mercury, so telling everyone all about your upcoming plans is a good thing. But if you want to make the most of the cosmic energy, spend time journaling everything you are experiencing to help you sort your emotions from your thoughts. This preemptive strike prevents you from oversharing or overwhelming those with whom you are compelled to impart your mindset. Less is more when delivering your message.

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Your attempts at defining your needs are not being met with much success today. While you're often one to be quite sure about your priorities, you're a bit flummoxed about how to go after your desires while the straight-shooting Aries Moon is confused by possessive Venus. Consequently, you might be struggling to understand your own emotions, let alone anyone else's. The solution, as disorienting as it may sound, is to lean into this lack of certainty. There is a strange joy to be found in dancing with the unknown.

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Making an emotional commitment to your long-term goals comes easily now. Additionally, the fiery Aries Moon and speedy Mercury are gossiping over coffee, fueling your ambitious plans. Gemini is the quicksilver sign of the zodiac, and therefore you may be quite familiar with such freneticism. However, with this kind of high-octane energy, even you need to write out all the thoughts racing through your head. There's no need to do so in a long-form mode; notes will do. After the adrenaline rush is over, you will clearly see how your observations will help to advance your goals.

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It seems like nearly everyone at work is going through some form of emotional drama. The impulsive Aries Moon may be operating in sync with expansive Jupiter, but this doesn't lessen the emotional intensity in the atmosphere. As one of the more sensitive signs of the zodiac, this cosmic energy can result in you being more zealous than you intend when responding to others. To keep this feverish dynamism in check, channel your passion into a work project or artistic masterpiece. Let your productivity speak for itself.

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Your family values might prevent you from expressing your true feelings today. There is an edgy exchange between romantic Venus and the freedom-seeking Sun. Oddly, you find yourself to be like the children's bamboo finger trap toy, the more you fight this tension, the more entrapping it becomes. To effectively work with this planetary prickliness, you need to relax and recognize challenge can lead to change. When examined without ego, there is something to be learned from the emotional confrontation you are encountering. An African proverb teaches, "Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors."

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The apparent inability of people to hold up their end of agreements is testing your endurance. The impatient Aries Moon is tapping her foot in your 8th House of Shared Resources, prompting you to be more emotionally invested with regards to endeavors contingent on cooperation for their success. Because you tend to be a stickler for detail, you will have to watch how rigid you become concerning another's commitment. Just because they are not as passionate as you are when it comes to your work, it does not mean they lack follow-through. Trust in the integrity of others and be quick to forgive if someone lets you down.

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You often struggle to maintain healthy boundaries when it comes to your personal life. Resourceful Venus enters into a complementary connection with stabilizing Saturn, enabling you to see how existing limitations can work to your benefit. Narrowing your field of intentions empowers you to direct your devotion rather than restrict it. When your love is focused and less scattered, it is also less diluted. This opportunity to aptly express your affection is mostly manifesting in relation to your family and close inner circle. You can't build a castle of love without a foundation of trust.

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You might be hypersensitive about your emotional wellness today but may be unwilling to make the changes necessary to regain your overall health. However, it is vital you apply self-awareness to your daily routine now, since your psychological balance is intrinsically tied to how you feel physically. This is not to say you will be ill just because you're angry or sad; rather, you are better equipped to fend off any flu bugs going around if you process your moods as they occur. Your positive attitude determines your vitality.

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Let yourself have some fun today. The instinctive Aries Moon and jolly Jupiter are beckoning you to come out and play. Although you are rarely one to take life all that seriously, you're finding yourself to be in an extra puckish mood now. One thing to be careful of in all this frivolity is not to overextend yourself. Just because it seems like you can operate on four hours of sleep does not mean you actually have the stamina to do so. Think of your pleasure as an interval workout instead of a marathon.

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You earthy Capricorns are not particularly effusive when it comes to expressing your needs. Furthermore, this cautious reserve is amplified by the tension between the off-the-cuff Aries Moon and showstopping Saturn. Although the planetary energy ushering in this conflict is temporary, throwing up more walls is not the best use of your time. Instead, take ownership of your emotions by being totally honest about your feelings, and then give others the chance to unburden their hearts, too. Fortunately, finding that sweet spot between give and take opens the door to compromise.

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Find somewhere to jot down your thoughts since they're likely to leave as quickly as they arrive today. Suddenly, you have so much you want to say that your friends can barely keep up with your words as they rush out of your mouth, while the self-directed Aries Moon is energizing your 3rd House of Messages. Gather your wits before you speak. If you're not too distracted by all the inner chatter in your brain, you can communicate in a manner which provides new insight.

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Preparing for disruption from the start allows you to handle the weird energy of the day better than most. The speed with which you pick up the emotions of other people is fast and furious. There is so much information coming at you in rapid succession now, it is understandably hard to integrate it all. Flower essences, yogic breathing, and metaphysical pursuits like Tarot or Astrology are helpful tools for navigating your heightened intuition. Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, "Synchronicity is an ever-present reality for those who have eyes to see."

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