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You must step carefully because talking about your plans can actually prevent you from reaching your goals today. You could easily leave out critical details, derailing a perfectly straightforward task. Temper your enthusiasm with caution to be on the safe side as pushy Mars opposes confusing Neptune. Consider all your options before taking action because a sensible approach to moving forward is more necessary now than ever. If you meet resistance, dance around it.

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Acting with compassion and imagination moves you closer to your goals today. Tending to the needs of others expresses your highest ideals, but there's no valid reason to lose your objectivity or common sense. Turning your intentions into reality works better now when you proceed in subtle ways. However, it's easy to exhaust yourself if you force the issue. Professor Barbara Johnson wrote, "Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears."

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What you see is not necessarily what you get today, and even your most reliable friend might throw you a curve ball. You have a good idea of what you want to do now, yet someone else could do the opposite of what you expect. However, you may be contributing to the situation by keeping your intentions to yourself. Your smartest strategy is to reduce the stress by being completely honest while combative Mars opposes nebulous Neptune in your 10th House of Authority. Zimbabwean politician Roy T. Bennett said, "Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Ironically, your misinterpretation of someone's message might actually turn out for the best because it gives you a chance to stretch your imagination. Luckily, your illusion could eventually become real as active Mars opposes fantasy-prone Neptune. However, discerning the facts can be quite challenging now as conflicting stories battle for supremacy. Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes wrote, "Truth will rise above falsehood as oil above water."

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Unsolicited advice from a reliable source may mislead you today. Protect yourself by following your own instincts, even if those you trust don't agree with you. A tense opposition between aggressive Mars and diffusive Neptune adds to the confusion because even those things which are most believed become less certain. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. Albert Einstein said, "Assumptions are made and most assumptions are wrong."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

It's as if you're standing in a hall of mirrors today, unsure as to which reflections are real. Try as you might, the visual cues won't necessarily lead you in the right direction. On one hand, it's exhilarating to realize how the loss of absolute reality frees up your mind, allowing it to journey into the land of imagination. On the other hand, it's hard to keep your balance even with Mercury, Venus and Mars grounded in your earthy sign. Don't get sidetracked by everything you see; more than ever, the truth comes from within.

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You might feel as if you're on a wild goose chase today, or perhaps you're busy chasing ghosts. A spacey Mars-Neptune opposition activates your 12th House of Spiritual Mystery, turning hard cold reality into a fleeting concept. Of course, narrowing your concentration helps, but not if it leads to obsession over details that block your view of the big picture. The upside of soulful Neptune's involvement is your ability to act with great tenderness. Just remember how much effort you could waste pursuing fantasies or fighting for a lost cause. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You are normally up for any challenge as long as you have all the facts at your disposal. Unfortunately, good information is difficult to find today, because other people's behavior doesn't seem to match up with what you know. Actually, you can't even tell if someone's actions are out of place or your interpretation is skewed. Rather than trying to stabilize your world around logic, give yourself permission to let your imagination temporarily run wild. Pursuing any form of creativity now gives your mind something positive to do.

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Alternating waves of productivity and inactivity complicate your day. You can shift from precision thinking to irresponsible behavior suddenly, undermining your reliability in relationships. Stay alert to unexpected swings from negativity to enthusiasm today, which can prove costly in the long run. Focusing on details when they really matter fosters competence. Allowing yourself the freedom to play provides unlimited inspiration.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

It may feel as if you have nowhere to go today. You can see that there are big changes around the corner and you may be anxious about your decision to let go of the past and reinvent yourself. Thankfully, you don't have to pretend that everything is in order now. Psychic Neptune's opposition to self-directed Mars in your 9th House of Future Vision nudges you to simply observe where your intuition is calling you. No immediate action is required. Scott Ringenbach wrote, "Imagination is the reality of the dreamer."

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You're spellbound today, enchanted by magical synchronicities, spiritual interventions and jags of creativity. However, you might need to deal with deceitful people while Mars in your 8th House of Deep Sharing opposes illusory Neptune. You could find yourself doing all the work for little reward or dreaming about investing in an unrealistic scheme. On the positive side, an inspiring moment or an intimate exchange can feel like magic when both sides give from their hearts and ask for nothing in return. Shannon L. Alder wrote, "Compassion is not something you have; it is something you share."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You can rely on your closest friends to help you clarify your feelings as you tell your story. However, Mars's opposition to foggy Neptune brings in the clouds of illusion, making it difficult to know exactly what's going on. Don't push your agenda now; instead, share your dreams and worry less about the future. Take time to appreciate those who believe in your potential. David Steindl-Rast wrote, "The root of joy is gratefulness."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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