Your attitude makes the difference between success and failure today. But a delay doesn't necessarily bring an end to the world as you know it. Overruling the facts and pushing forward with your program anyhow is a politically incorrect move. However, reframing your perceptions of a minor setback leads to an entirely different picture where you have the chance to fine-tune your ideas before putting them into action. Every flower must grow through dirt.
You're naturally comfortable acting as an stabilizing anchor for those around you. In fact, your friendly shoulders are wide enough to offer comfort to nearly everyone who needs it. But taking care of others has its cost. Unfortunately, you might not make noticeable progress on your own work if you try to cover too many bases now. It's challenging to simultaneously nurture others and honor your personal goals, but your stubborn tenacity turns the odds in your favor. Life coach Marianne Cherico wrote, "Consistent action in the face of our fears will help us kill the saboteur beast."
You might find yourself in the center of an unnecessary controversy that's stirring up everyone's passions now. Nevertheless, you're not one to allow errant fantasies to slip into your decision-making process. Although sometimes it's wise to follow your feelings, other times it's more sensible to make a practical choice based on logic. Ultimately, combining what you know with what you feel leads to the best possible results.
A close friend or associate may be a thorn in your side today, openly blocking your progress. Although you might push harder, you could avoid confrontation by pulling back into your shell. But a logistical retreat isn't effective in the long run because you will likely face the same resistance tomorrow and in the weeks ahead if you choose to circumvent the real problem. Christopher Parker wrote, "Procrastination is like a credit card: It's a lot of fun until you get the bill."
It might feel as though you are reaching a breaking point now. You cannot squeeze one more task or appointment into your day no matter what you do. Rather than attempting to achieve the impossible, you must look at your current dilemma from a totally different angle today. The good news is you can defend yourself in any given moment with carefully chosen words and simple facts. Stay cool and don't let your heart overpower your head.
You may be the most judgmental person around today, but that doesn't mean you need to resort to copious amounts of self-criticism. However, you could end up with insufficient resources before you complete your work. Rather than jumping right into a creative project now, you are better off spending most of your time mapping out logistics and laying the foundation for what's to follow. If your plan doesn't succeed, change the plan but never the goal.
Domestic responsibilities could be weighing heavily on you today. You might not have the time to devote to your home and family with all the pressing professional duties already on your calendar. Nevertheless, you must call in the power of cosmos to concentrate on one thing or the other. Fortunately, you are a champion of the balancing act and this is a fantastic opportunity to show everyone the strength of multivalent thinking. Basketball coach Jerry Dunn said, "Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits."
Every little thing seems to trigger an overly intense reaction, but your extreme feelings are your bellwether while the reflective Moon visits your resourceful sign. Although you might know exactly what you need to say, your message could land on deaf ears. Shouting doesn't change anything except possibly irritating your throat. Sadly, expecting others to see things your way is a exercise in futility today, but that doesn't mean you won't have better luck another day. Molière wrote, "Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit."
You might have a minor financial emergency on your hands today. A simple mathematical error may come to light now, revealing your bank balance to be in the danger zone. Or an unexpected expense could place immediate pressure on your cash flow. In any event, it's wise to focus on readjusting your budget, even if only to assure yourself that nothing dramatic will go wrong in the days ahead. A stitch in time saves nine.
People could encounter your cold and calculating side today, without a clue that there's a warmer part of your personality. You appear to be the epitome of austerity while cranky Mars hooks up with karmic Saturn in your 1st House of Personality. However, you are more emotionally sensitive than you let on; you're choosing to keep your feelings quiet because you don't think you can afford to reveal how thin-skinned you are now. Nevertheless, your fears are based on a false assumption. Brené Brown wrote, "Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change."
You are holding a tight rein on your daydreams because you're secretly afraid of them taking over. However, by focusing your efforts on the mundane world, your attention on your fantasies is minimized. Thankfully, the rewards for your hard work are like instant karma; there might not be a lot of waiting right now. Nevertheless, it's your laissez-faire approach that allows reality to respond so quickly. If you are desperately trying to get something finished today, it will likely take longer. Author Douglas Adams wrote, "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."
You want to run and hide today because everyone seems to have unrealistic expectations about your contribution to a project. Although you know your limitations, you hate to let anyone down. Nevertheless, you might need to reassert the practical restrictions on your performance, even at the risk of isolation from your peers. Thankfully, you can avoid a negative outcome by being clear from the start. Poet Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote, "Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices."
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