No Images? Click here ![]() Not everyone buys into the concept of soulmates, and for good reason. It’s hard to believe that in a world of 7 billion people, we each have only one perfect match. But people who believe in soulmates define them differently. They believe that a soulmate doesn’t have to be romantic in nature; a soulmate is someone who you connect with instantly and deeply, who sees and accepts you for who you are and who allows you to grow within the relationship.But how do you know when you’ve found “the one”? This week, reporter Kelsey Borresen asked people who say they’ve found their soulmates for the signs that convinced them that they had. Indicators include a palpable gut feeling that you’ve met your match, a total alignment in values and a deep, unwavering love despite seeing this person at their worst. Read the rest here.Xo, Ashley RockmanIn case you missed it
![]() Ask an expertA reader writes, “What's the least headache-inducing but effective way to get your spouse or partner to share a calendar with you so you both know what's happening and when? (If, say, your husband is Google-averse like mine!) I want to avoid being Type A about it, but I know it will save us both time in the long run.”Aaron Anderson, a marriage and family therapist based in Denver, Colorado, is here to answer this week’s question. Here’s what he had to say:“When couples have difficulty coordinating schedules, it’s most often because one partner already has their calendar on one platform and the other partner has one on a different platform, and work or other things prevents them from sharing their full calendar. When this happens, I usually recommend starting a new and separate family calendar. Then, each partner just syncs the family calendar with the preferred calendar that they’re currently using.If you’re frustrated by your husband’s lack of calendaring in general, the best thing to do is to request that he make a calendar and share it with you. There are so many platforms to choose from; choose the easiest one and stick it with it. He’ll never keep a calendar if it’s not easy, so let him pick the easiest one for him. The easiest one is usually the one on his phone since it’s so accessible and he’s used to navigating his phone already. Most calendars sync up with other calendars (Outlook to Google, Google to Apple, etc.) so you can then sync his preferred calendar to the one you’re using.If technology just doesn’t work, then there’s no replacement for a good, old-fashioned paper calendar. Sit the family down (like during dinner) and write down everything that’s going on in the coming week. Then hang it up on the fridge or on a cupboard where everyone can see it. That’s not only good for your husband, it will be good for the whole family.Remember that new habits take a while to get formed. Be persistent and after a while, you’ll see everyone get on board and even start enjoying it.”If you have a relationship question that you would like answered, please e-mail it to us at![]() #TBT You know that one couple — the couple that, despite having spent years and years together, still has that electric spark. You just know that their sex life is off-the-charts, and not just because your pal mentioned it in passing once. How do those couples keep things hot and fresh between the sheets? We sought answers. Here are the 7 habits of couples with the hottest sex lives.![]() Links we love: ![]() ![]() HuffPost is now a part of Oath and a part of Verizon. On May 25th 2018 we will be introducing a new Oath Privacy Policy which will explain how your data is used and shared. Learn More.No moon dust. No B.S. Just a completely essential daily guide to achieving the good life. Subscribe here. Like what you see? Share it.Can't get enough? You'll also love HuffPost's Entertainment newsletter.©2018 HuffPost | 770 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 |
» 10 signs you’ve found your soulmate
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