You may be doing your best to contain your energy, but your enthusiasm overshadows your common sense. Oddly enough, there is not one particular thing fueling your excitement; it's the combination of so many options that brings a smile to your face. At this moment in time it doesn't even matter whether any of your imagined scenarios come true. The simple act of engaging with your fantasies now is enough to bring you the inspiration you seek.
You like it when there are alternatives on the menu, but it can be overwhelming when there are too many choices. You want to narrow your field of options, but don't know where to start today. It may be helpful to visualize what your ideal situation might be in a year. Don't worry about the details yet since you can fill them in later. For now, just let your mind wander until it begins to settle into a groove. Establish this meditation as a daily practice until you gain clarity. Making plans is a waste of time until you choose a destination.
You are thrilled now that you are in the proud possession of a cosmic ticket to ride. The only problem is you have a pair of destinations in mind and they are in opposite directions from one another. However, the Moon's shift into dualistic Gemini puts you in familiar territory where you are comfortable holding two positions at once. Of course, your willingness to live simultaneously in multiple realities becomes more complicated once you actually hit the road. You might as well flip a coin; where you are going is less important than the fact that the adventure has just begun.
There is a lot of mental activity cooking behind your bright eyes, but you won't likely share many of your thoughts today. People around you appear pleasant, but it seems as if they are containing their emotions and expect you to do the same. You can feel the dissonance between your inner restlessness and your outer restraint. Your self-imposed silence drives your attention inward and revitalizes your fantasy life. Enjoy the show for now; you'll have a chance to talk about it soon enough.
You might be revving up for a night of merrymaking and mischief, getting yourself into the mood to celebrate with friends. However, you can't shake off a feeling of concern that makes you wonder if you really want to be with lots of people now, or if this is the year to lay low. Don't worry about letting anyone down if you decide to skip the festivities tomorrow. In the meantime, give yourself permission to connect with the more contemplative side of life. Listening to your heart is a wonderful way to start the new year.
The end of the calendar year is an artificial deadline, but there still may be plenty of projects at home that you would like to finish. Although your approach is very methodical, people might think that you are scattering your energy and wasting your time. As long as you can make the most of your current creativity and productivity, you will feel good about the choices you make today. There is no need to explain your actions to others now; the fruits of your labor will speak for you.
You might set your hopes on embarking on an adventure today, either with others or on your own. However, the idea of expending energy by going somewhere sounds less appealing as the time to leave the house approaches. Maybe the weather is a showstopper, or perhaps you just feel lazy and crave some cozy downtime. Whatever your motives may be, listen to your inner voice. Following your intuition makes more sense than finding yourself in a place you don't want to be. Home is where the heart is.
Your schedule seems to have filled up today with a series of commitments. It may have started with something special you wanted to do, but then you added one activity after another, and in the process entangled your agenda with those of others. You might be annoyed at yourself for trying to get too much done at once, but now it's too late to back out because you don't want to let anyone down. Fortunately, your outlook improves once you get into the swing of things, allowing you to create memorable experiences by the time the day is over.
Often, you are the one who is running around in a flurry of activity as others try to keep up with your ambitious pace. However, the tables are turned today and it's hard for you to understand why everyone else seems to be moving so fast while you are content staying put. It's a bit disconcerting to watch people come and go while you take a more laid-back approach to the day. There's no shame in resting when your body requests it. Sometimes doing nothing at all is exactly what is necessary to cure the soul.
Normally, there's something very reassuring about approaching the end of the year. Perhaps it's just that you Capricorns are particularly fond of structure and the fundamental measurement of time is something that can't be denied. You like to judiciously review the previous year and then formulate your goals and resolutions for what comes next. However, you might not be in the sentimental mood yet, prompting you to avoid your typical holiday routine. James R. Sherman wrote, "You can't go back and make a brand-new start, but anyone can start right now and make a brand-new ending."
Perhaps you are trying to make up for lost time, but your energy has shifted from wanting to be alone to saying yes to every invitation you receive. In the final analysis you still could go either way, but it's healthier to be in the company of others now instead of withdrawing from the social scene. When in doubt, honor your heart and enthusiastically embrace the love the cosmos is offering you now.
Your friends and family are a big part of your life and you happily anticipate spending quality time with them this weekend. You prefer to engage in meaningful dialogue with those closest to you rather than losing yourself in large crowds of people. However, a harmless conversation could touch on a sensitive topic that takes you down an emotional rabbit hole or on a metaphysical journey. Either way, you might be caught off guard with the intensity of the ensuing discussion. Enjoy the detour; this is the magical stuff holidays are made of.
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