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You have an opportunity to heal an old emotional scar if you can understand the difference between something that happened in the past and whatever is occurring now. The dramatic Leo Full Moon Eclipse rattles your 5th House of Romance, destabilizing your love life and provoking you to react from a place of fear. Deepen a meaningful relationship by being true to your heart while simultaneously remaining open to change. A Hindu proverb claims, "A man who misses his opportunity, and a monkey who misses his branch, cannot be saved."

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A little domestic tension is likely to be more noise than nuisance today. However, emotional excess can trigger drama out of proportion with reality. The proud Leo Full Moon Eclipse transforms the energy of your 4th House of Home and Family into a story that touches your heart. Although it's difficult to see things clearly now, compassion heals old wounds. Pushing the limits of your potential might feel awkward at first, but that doesn't mean it's the wrong thing to do.

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You may be presented with a chance to repurpose your past experiences into a practical plan. Unfortunately, fear can prevent you from making the most of the Leo Full Moon Eclipse that lights up your 3rd House of Communication. Something could be revealed in a conversation that reactivates painful memories. Although your discomfort with the current situation might be undeniable, things are probably not as difficult as they seem. Bethany Hamilton wrote, "Courage doesn't mean you don't get afraid. Courage means you don't let the fear stop you."

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You could feel financially overwhelmed today, but concerns about your wealth are often tied to deeper issues about your self-worth. Nevertheless, the Leo Full Moon Eclipse falls in your 2nd House of Money, challenging you to improve your resource management skills. The Moon's awkward misalignment to nebulous Neptune lures you to chase an impractical dream without regard to its physical or metaphysical cost. Turning your idealistic visions into reality requires setting practical limits.

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A powerful metamorphosis is afoot, yet you're short on facts and don't know how your personal changes will fit into the larger scheme of things. However, the Leo Lunar Eclipse shadows your 1st House of Personality, catalyzing your desire for a complete makeover. Although you might modify your physical appearance, a more substantial renewal is underway. A fearless self-examination takes you beneath the surface where feelings can become intense. Heather Ash Amara wrote, "Allow the fires of transformation to burn away all that doesn't serve you."

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No amount of preparation can fend off the current surprises. Nevertheless, adapting to the unexpected is a more effective strategy than trying to suppress it. The arrogant Leo Full Moon Eclipse polarizes your 12th House of Endings, reminding you that you don't have to cling to every fantasy. There's no need to pretend that you're a hero for a cause you've outgrown. In fact, it's time to let go of dreams that no longer match your current reality. Withdrawing from a longtime struggle is not a surrender, but a victory for your future happiness.

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Although you are in touch with your heart's desires, acting on a whim won't lead to emotional satisfaction. The Leo Full Moon Eclipse encourages you to demand recognition from your peers since you're fully aware of the significance of your unique contributions. But this eclipse in your 11th House of Long-Term Goals tempts you to pursue the acknowledgment you need now. Unfortunately, your quest for immediate gratification may not be in your best interest. Motivational speaker DeVon Franklin wrote, "Don't let your impulsive reaction to conflict betray your intelligence."

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Plodding along on your job is not a viable strategy for climbing the ladder of success. You are required to jump into a project and react as fast as you can, relying on your intuition if you feel unprepared for the tasks at hand. Possible changes of responsibilities are emphasized by the unstable Leo Full Moon Eclipse shaking up the energy in your 10th House of Career. Nevertheless, you are in the spotlight now, where you can show off your creativity and leadership skills. Don't spread yourself too thin. Be bold, but keep it real.

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Although you may be thinking about a new course of study, you're tempted to pursue something of intellectual or spiritual interest. Unfortunately, your fascinations might not have any practical applications in your life. You're eager to fulfill your dreams, but the Leo Full Moon Eclipse electrifies your 9th House of Big Ideas, shocking you into realizing which of your beliefs no longer serve your needs. Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius wrote, "The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts."

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Disputes about joint property or business partnerships can trigger emotional insecurity, so watch out for unnecessary interpersonal conflict. In fact, relationships may seem unsettled when the Leo Lunar Eclipse blasts your 8th House of Shared Resources, temporarily warping your sense of reality. But forgiving someone who has hurt you in the past can free you to move on with your life. Nevertheless, if you are tempted to run away from your responsibilities, remember that your real job is to improve your current situation, not to plan your escape.

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You may try to remain calm in the midst of a storm, but you can't build walls high enough to prevent other people's feelings from affecting you. Relationships are highlighted when the magnanimous Leo Full Moon Eclipse shines in your 7th House of Partnerships. But the eclipse forms a dysfunctional connection with imaginative Neptune, tempting you to project your unrealistic fantasies on to others. The good news is that mixing romance with realism can put an end to illusions that get in the way of enduring alliances. Rumi wrote, "Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of their heart."

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A spark of creativity in your work can generate bold new ideas about your career. Finding the courage to make significant changes is wonderful as long as you combine it with logic to ground your strategy in the material world. However, the theatrical Leo Full Moon eclipses your 6th House of Details, tempting you to live in a dream world without acknowledging the nitty-gritty of reality. In fact, anything that requires you to focus your attention can feel limiting to your imagination. Nevertheless, simplifying your daily life allows you to handle responsibilities without being constrained by an overloaded schedule.

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