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You surprise yourself at how easily you relinquish positions you once held dear. The truth is you simply have a change of priorities. The current situation calls for other ways of being, and you rise to the occasion. A part of you enjoys being on the cutting edge, even if it means revising your identity and repackaging your image. Friction drives action. Stasis is the real enemy. Being an agent of destiny demands your kind of boldness.

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You aim to please your friends. Therefore, it is extra difficult when one of them tells you something you do not want to hear. Before you let their message upset you, consider that if someone doesn't really care about you, it is much easier for them to stay silent than to say anything. Take the feedback as a sign of their investment in you. Discomfort can act as a catalyst for a growth spurt. If you grow with the flow, you can turn it to your ultimate advantage. Admitting your faults is the first step toward your transformation.

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The status of your public role is unclear. You experience the attention as seen through a movie camera. The frame obscures some essential elements from your view, while showcasing others in extreme close-up. Although spontaneous aid comes to you from left field today, the support you always counted on appears to vanish. In the commotion, you may be leaving a special friend or partner by the wayside. Employ your unique social gymnastics to keep everyone satisfied now. Your emotional flexibility saves the day.

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Your ability to focus is hindered because you are lost in thought. Many forces compete for your attention now. Your mind remains firmly plugged into imagining your future, while your body must cope with the rhythm of your current daily routine. A close connection with someone can help you to balance both worlds, but it cannot save you from any upheavals at work. Allow yourself some grace as you navigate the twists and turns of the day. Little by little the magical and mundane mix together, restoring harmony to your life.

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You sink yourself into improving your professional output. Although you relish the enjoyable aspects of your work, something gnaws at your heart today. A long-forgotten relationship issue crops up, requiring you to clear the air. The problem might be related to your lack of boundaries between business and pleasure. The ending at the time was abrupt, but the cosmos is offering you a second chance to rectify your side. Take this opportunity to clean the wound, even if it feels awkward or unpleasant. Your willingness to engage can help everyone heal. Doing the right thing enables you to forgive and move on.

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Your family and private life may not be one and the same now. Perhaps you are wavering between taking someone home to meet the parents and keeping your personal relationships to yourself. Or you could be struggling to figure out how much of your personal history to share with your kids. It might be nice to be open with everyone about your business. On the other hand, you enjoy having some things be yours, and yours alone. Only you can decide how much to integrate various sides of your life. Transparency sounds delightful on paper, but is a whole different ballgame in practice.

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Your mind is preoccupied with theoretical matters, yet practical concerns insist on receiving their fair share of your bandwidth. Although you make the mental leap to concentrate on the tasks in front of you, the second you try to focus the clarity turns muddy. Suddenly, the once-necessary action seems futile, and your thoughts begin to wander, followed by the pull to get back to work again. At some point this internal tug-of-war will resolve itself. Thankfully, you know how to be in two places at once.

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You might get so swept up in your undertakings that you forget to look at the clock. If time is money, you could quickly find yourself in a pickle today. Avoid letting a sharp exchange of words ruin your fun when there's no need to justify your behavior. You are not being lazy; you are exercising creative efficiency. A last-ditch effort may evoke a stroke of luck, saving you from disaster. Your interpersonal relationship skills are your ticket to freedom. Your results speak for themselves.

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You wrestle with the relationship between roots and wings today. Motivated by freedom, you yearn to sever anything that would tie you down. The reality is you come from somewhere -- and that place still has a hold on a part of you, despite the strength of your wish to be free of it. Instead of outright rejection, attempt to find a silver lining in your past. In taking another look, you may be surprised at what you uncover and how your values transform. You might even discover hidden treasure if you're willing to persevere.

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You return to an introspective state. You may feel like composing yourself in solitude with so many thoughts swirling in your mind today. You might realize that some ideas help sharpen your concept of self and others bring you flashes of insight about all your previous accomplishments. Performing this mental inventory helps to reset your ambitions and recharge your batteries. However, you may experience pushback in your retreat if others are depending on you to solve their problems. This is a good sign, for Michel Foucault once said, "Where there is power, there is resistance."

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You tend your social network like a garden now. Water every relationship and till every connection because each element of your scene requires separate aspects of you. Where you put your attention grows. Try to emphasize the strengths you want to cultivate and leave the critique or complaint for another day. You can coax the most stubborn of volunteers with enough tender encouragement. Your voice travels like light across the fields of your future; let it shine wherever it can do the most good.

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Your work receives some public exposure today. However, the amount of recognition is not the important issue; rather, it's about the sheer feeling of unknown eyes watching what you do. You may shapeshift like a chameleon in a new environment. Although trying to blend in and hide is the safest response, consider riding the wave of allure to see where it takes you. As your star rises, keep your feet firmly planted on solid ground. Comedian Gilda Radner said, "Fame changes a lot of things, but it can't change a light bulb."

View your weekly and monthly Pisces horoscopes on HuffPost >>


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