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The gulf between dynamics on the home front and your ambitions for the year ahead might seem too wide to bridge now, but you're hopeful about finding a solution anyway. Although the Cancer Full Moon highlights your 4th House of Security, you may feel as if professional goals could distract you from family matters. Rather than worrying about worst-case scenarios, imagine the best possible outcome. Today's dreams are the inspirations of tomorrow.

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Seeing the brighter side of life might be a struggle today because there's a formidable amount of hard work in your future. Although you're not afraid of making commitments that demand high performance, the Cancer Full Moon's presence in your 3rd House of Distractions tempts you with activities that don't contribute to your success. Fortunately, your willpower is strong enough to overcome most obstacles that appear in your path, including the ones that you put there yourself. Be courageous and aim high; don't let self-doubt prevent you from realizing your destiny.

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You can think of many ways to get ahead next year, but you can also imagine just as many reasons that you might not succeed. Fortunately, you're not in a hurry now; you're willing to wait for the right moment before putting your plan into action. In the meantime, explore the various alternatives before choosing the best one. Ultimately, your patience pays off financially as the cautious Cancer Full Moon illuminates your 2nd House of Income. Nevertheless, as Garth Brooks said, "You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy."

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Sometimes, you must speak your mind even if you know your words will run into resistance from others. However, you might decide to keep your feelings to yourself for a while longer. Unfortunately, what starts out as common sense could turn into an excuse. Overcoming your own fear may require an act of faith, but the powerful Cancer Full Moon floods your 1st House of Self, making it more difficult to hide your emotions. Rumi wrote, "Tear off your mask. Your face is glorious."

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You hope that putting on a good show by meeting all your obligations in a timely manner allows you to hide behind a wall of efficiency. Your actions are quite calculated today because you want others to focus on your outer behavior rather than your emotions. The moody Cancer Full Moon sensitizes your 12th House of Invisibility, prompting you to bury your feelings. Fortunately, you can conquer your own insecurities by focusing on the big picture rather than the details. Just be certain to finish whatever you start; done is better than perfect.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You may not say much today, but you still could be the puppet master, pulling the strings that causes everyone else to dance. Oddly enough, your friends might not realize that you are quietly running the show. But you are proudly willing to admit the role you carved out for yourself once someone else takes notice. The Cancer Full Moon spotlights your 11th House of Social Networks, inspiring you to fulfill your emotional needs by maintaining close contact with others. Don't be afraid to reveal your true intentions; transparency cultivates trust.

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You are motivated by a sense of what you want to accomplish, but may be hesitant to share your plans with anyone today. The Cancer Full Moon energizes your 10th House of Career, encouraging you to set objectives for the year ahead. However, you believe that remaining quiet offers you the flexibility you need to fine-tune your goals. Your dilemma is fueled by your desire to keep your thoughts aimed into the future while fully participating in the present moment. Enjoy where you are now while you strive to improve; the best is yet to come.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You may think you lack enough information to make a wise decision about your future, but that's most likely not the case. The Cancer Full Moon casts its light into your 9th House of Higher Thought now, reflecting your insecurities about how much you don't know. However, you probably possess more good data than you realize and gathering more will only add to your uncertainty. There is a big difference between intelligence and wisdom. You have everything you need to make your choice if you're willing to trust your intuition.

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You're not so quick to walk away from an intense experience today, even if it puts you in touch with feelings you often try to avoid. People rely on you to shift serious conversations into discussions that are removed from feelings, enabling everyone to participate without being too personal. However, your desire to wax philosophic fades as the Cancer Full Moon settles into your 8th House of Intimacy, inspiring you to reveal your emotions. Fortunately, your willingness to delve into your vulnerabilities encourages other to do the same. Sharing secrets opens hearts.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Unresolved relationship issues are in the spotlight today as someone close to you brings up their buried feelings. Although hearing about emotional pain isn't easy, you are drawn into the conversation because the Cancer Full Moon occurs in your 7th House of Partners, stimulating your own memories of suppressed hurt. The boundaries between you and a significant other dissolve as your hearts have an opportunity to touch. Let love overpower fear.

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You are receptive to the suggestions of others as you create your agenda for the day. The Cancer Full Moon resonates in your 6th House of Logistics, opening your mind to other people's needs. It feels like a real holiday when you can shift your attention away from your personal goals and your plans to achieve them. As long as you find some time for quiet contemplation, you're more than willing to go along with everyone else now. Honoring your friends and family gets the year off to a perfect start.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You are in your own element today as your emotions reflect your place in your community. Caring for those you love comes easily while the nurturing Cancer Full Moon strengthens your 5th House of Spontaneity. There's no need to overthink your day as long as you have an outlet to creatively express yourself. But your passion is a powerful tool now; rather than pushing your experiences onto anyone else, absorb as much as you can. The Dalia Lama said, "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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