It's like someone lit a fire under you today and you're ready to take on the world. You have high hopes and an overabundance of confidence. There's no reason to hold back as long as your intentions are clear. However, your dreams may be so vivid now that it's tempting to believe in your own invincibility. The prognosis for your success is good unless you fall victim to your colorful fantasies. Rajneesh said, "Be realistic: plan for a miracle."
Observing the world through rose-colored glasses is a mixed blessing today. On one hand, you perceive possibilities where others imagine problems. Roadblocks don't worry you because you know that finding a way through them will only make you stronger. On the other hand, your blind optimism leads you into trouble if you think you can do anything. Instead of plowing ahead without considering all the facts, take a few steps back to change your view on the current situation. A new perspective might be all you need to see things clearly enough to make the best decisions.
You have the ability to describe the most mundane things in such a poetic manner that people are enchanted with your words. Unfortunately, they may be disappointed when they discover that reality doesn't live up to your magical interpretation. Although you can be quite convincing today, you must be careful about how you use your enthusiasm to inspire others. However, toning down your presentation is tough because you're just sharing your point of view. Thich Nhat Hanh said, "We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize."
A blast of certainty encourages you to take a calculated risk today. However, you may question the accuracy of your perceptions if someone wonders about the efficacy of your plan. In fact, you might be so sensitive now that even constructive criticism could send your attitude into a tailspin. Trust your intuition over someone else's advice. Although other people's opinions matter, they can't make accurate judgments on the direction of your life. Caroline Myss wrote, "The more you ask for proof, the less likely you are to receive any."
You are quite transparent today, physically displaying every changing mood as if you are wearing your feelings on your sleeve. You want your friends and coworkers to see the real you, yet you are uncomfortable with being so emotionally exposed now. Resist the temptation to filter out any uncertainty or self-doubt, for doing so can make you appear disingenuous. Showing your vulnerability is not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength.
You are very meticulous in how you express your thoughts today because you don't want to be misunderstood. However, you might end up shortchanging yourself in an attempt to sound rational. Sometimes, your tendency to intellectualize your feelings is actually a way for you to avoid them. Speaking extemporaneously might feel awkward at first when initiating self-disclosure, and could even be scary if you don't know where your words are leading. Nevertheless, letting your emotions flow directly from your heart could supercharge your day beyond your wildest expectations.
You may be excited about the prospects for your future and your innovative spirit improves your chances for success. However, you also might be concerned about losing your focus unless you consciously stick to your existing agenda. Unfortunately, even the most sensible plan will fall apart if circumstances change unexpectedly. Regardless of what happens, continue to respond to events in the present moment. The only way to alter your long-term trajectory is to initiate positive action now.
You want to exceed other people's expectations today, leading you to take on more than you can deliver. Your confidence is on the rise, tempting you to assist someone else with their plans before you thoroughly consider the impact of assuming more responsibilities. Although you might not mind burning the candle at both ends, it's wiser to focus on the quality of your work rather than the quantity. You can do anything but you can't do everything.
It seems as if the sky is the limit for everyone else today, while it's merely the starting point for you. Your intentions are aimed at a distant goal and you have no reason to doubt your ability to reach it. However, you are treading on tricky ground now, and it's almost impossible to draw the line between reality and fantasy. Although dreams can inspire you to stretch beyond previous limits, they can also lead you on a wild goose chase. A little discernment saves the day.
Although you are on a solo mission, you're willing to modify your plans in order to include others. Your imagination continues to be instrumental as you follow your dreams, but you are sensible enough to know what you can and can't do on your own. Fortunately, you are blessed with supporters who believe in your vision, yet add their own colors to your big picture. Ultimately, the end result will be more enduring if you are secure enough with your work to meet others halfway.
You can see your destination in your mind's eye, but you haven't determined the feasibility of going there. Ambition alone won't help you create the best route into your future. Although other people might claim to have plans that will ensure your success, you lack faith in their ideas. Ultimately, you would rather fail on your own than adopt a plan that wasn't yours. Philanthropist Henry Kravis wrote, "If you don't have integrity, you have nothing."
Your idealism enables you to dive into a collaboration with your work group or network of friends. You don't have a problem with lowering your boundaries and flowing with a greater cause. However, once you begin participating as a member of a team, it becomes obvious that you have your own particular method to accomplish a particular task, even if it differs from everyone else's. It's annoying when you realize that you're unwilling to let go of certain idiosyncrasies that turn you into an outsider. Rita Mae Brown wrote, "The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself."
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