It's as if you hitched a ride on a comet and all you can do now is grin and hold on for dear life. You can see the future open up before you as one ingenious idea after another catches your attention and takes you in a new direction. Although your overall confidence is high, you may be unsure how to capture one thought and turn it into something tangible. The power of positive thinking carries you far, but blind optimism might cause you to miss your target and land in a distant galaxy. Dream big but start small.
Naturally, you relish receiving support from your friends. However, too much praise makes you feel awkward and you don't trust what you're being told. You might even feel as if their flattery sets you up for failure because others expect such great things from you. Fortunately, your ability to discern the possible scenarios from unrealistic fantasies enables you to maintain your center while planning your next move. Just choose your new direction with care.
You can talk up a storm today, impressing people with your brilliant ideas and lightning-fast mind. Your communication is effortless as you smoothly jump from one topic to another, keeping up with multiple conversations at once. However, there is a price to pay for your ability to skip around so quickly. While you're having fun entertaining yourself and others, you may miss a chance to establish a deeper and more intimate connection with someone special. Sometimes meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.
You may try to say less and listen more today, for you believe that others have plenty to teach you. However, as soon as a subject of interest comes up in a conversation, you can't help but add your two cents to the discussion. It's even more challenging to remain quiet if no one else is representing the truth as you see it. But don't let everyone else always set the agenda; if you have a topic that you want to talk about, take a risk and let people know what's on your mind. You can always kick back and learn from everyone else once you get the ball rolling.
You have every intention of staying off the public radar today. The timid Virgo Moon sits in your 2nd House of Self-Esteem, discouraging your ego from making grandiose gestures that attract the spotlight. Nevertheless, your spontaneity is irrepressible now and the attention goes to you like a moth to a flame once you open your mouth to share your wisdom. Your enthusiasm is contagious unless you don't know when to stop. Less is more.
You are like the little boy in the story of "The Emperor's New Clothes." You see the unspeakable truth of the current situation and you feel responsible to tell others what they are missing. However, you can't tell in advance whether or not your story will be believed. Luckily, your key planet Mercury is buzzing away, urging you to go through with your risky disclosure. Just be smart and back off if your initial delivery creates too many waves in the present moment. Not everyone is ready for unfiltered reality.
You're quite picky as you prioritize your dreams today, consciously deciding which ones to follow and which ones to let fade. Paradoxically, it's not as easy to control a conversation because it involves other people, and they might have different ideas about what's off limits. The more you try to establish some constraints, the more unruly the discussion becomes. Take a leap of faith and allow external events to flow without micromanaging every point on the trajectory.
There is something you need to get off your chest today, and it might prove upsetting to someone else. However, it's not your job to moderate the truth in order to protect others. Sometimes it's easier to remain inside a bubble of fantasy than it is to acknowledge the facts. Don't mince your words; simply report what you know and let the chips fall as they may. Chinua Achebe wrote, "One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised."
You may appear even more outrageous today as you say whatever pops into your awareness. Your social filters aren't functioning very well now that irrepressible Uranus is shocking talkative Mercury in your sign, triggering reactions faster than you can sort them out. Although your charm and wit enable you to be more entertaining than offensive, it serves no one if you step too far over the edge of acceptability. Consider the impact your words might have on others before going for the next laugh. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.
You might surprise someone who expresses concern about your long-term plans. Rather than defending your choices today, you may just tell them to mind their own business. You're not looking to alienate anyone; you simply don't want to waste your energy on decisions that are already made. Your enthusiastic anticipation of the future is not based on unrealistic dreaming. You've done your due diligence, created a practical plan and are now heading in the direction of your dreams.
Your current thoughts are so innovative that even your best friends may think you're crazy. Whether or not others can keep up with you, you are at ease when talking about a new project or your next adventure. You're not seeking approval from anyone else; your intention is to simply inform people of your activities. Nevertheless, your plans are likely to be very ambitious now and there's little that could deter you from accomplishing your goals. You are coming from a position of power and don't need to share everything yet. Your entire story will be revealed in time.
Your visions may be too big to handle today, but you can still enjoy them from afar. Although the practical Virgo Moon urges you to bring your fantasies closer, they may serve you better now from a distance. It's too soon to consider all the practicalities involved in pursuing tangible results because that would prevent you from exploring all the possibilities. It's best to give yourself another couple of days to let your imagination run wild and free. Ultimately, as Jim Rohn wrote, "The key to turning dreams into reality is action."
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