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The cosmos hands you a "Get Out of Jail Free" card today. Assuming you're not in jail, you have permission to go nearly anywhere. You are being encouraged to push beyond your normal boundaries, stretch your wings and fly. Although your career might be on the launchpad, you won't gain escape velocity unless you're willing to also plumb to the depths of your feelings. You've prepared for this moment; don't let fear stand in the way of your destiny.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You can choose to look at the year ahead with trepidation because you know how much work lies in front of you. Or, you can see a road that heads into unknown territory, stirring excitement in your soul about all the wondrous adventures waiting to be discovered. The magic of this moment gives you the opportunity to decide how to frame your future. Make no mistake about it: the choice is yours. Be courageous and boldly step into your dreams.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Although you may have an impressive workload today, you possess an unrelenting belief that you are of capable of moving mountains. Of course, there are natural constraints on your productivity since you are still a mere mortal. Nevertheless, you could surprise yourself and shock others with what you accomplish now if you fuel your hard work with the strength of your convictions. Rather than falling into the trap of questioning your limits, demonstrate what's possible when you follow through on your intentions.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Capture the wave of optimism that ripples through your world this morning by envisioning the best possible outcome from the current situation. Although you're likely to run into problems later in the day, don't focus on them or you might talk yourself out of taking positive action in the present moment. Regardless of what occurs next, the images you create in your mind now set the tone for what will unfold in the days ahead. There's no reason to sell yourself short, so reach for the stars while they are close enough to touch.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

You are passionate about getting things done today and you don't want anyone to slow you down. Oddly enough, consciously keeping your opinions to yourself may be a part of your strategy for success. You're afraid that if others become aware of your inner intensity, they will try to moderate your emotions. You can't unilaterally change your feelings, but they don't have to run your life. Practicing self-control develops your character and increases your chances of achieving your goals.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You can't decide whether to jump for joy or prepare for the worst. Naturally, you want to show your appreciation to everyone who is supporting your practical approach to getting a project back on track. However, the future is fraught with uncertainty, making it nearly impossible to know if your plan will succeed in the long run. Unfortunately, painting an overly optimistic picture will do more harm than good. Maximize the potential of the present moment by maintaining realistic expectations.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Common sense tells you to remain quiet until you are sure about the conclusions you draw. However, your silence is not a neutral response because it allows others to believe their own biases. Your contribution makes a very powerful statement now, even if you just reiterate the pros and cons of each of the possible choices. You might not know what the future will bring, but it's still reassuring to garner confidence from others. You are not alone.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

You're not shy about sharing your historical perspective at work today. You deliver your ideas with such passion that everyone automatically assumes you're telling the truth, whether or not they agree with your pronouncements. People may nod their head in approval to avoid an argument because they know that you would be a formidable opponent. Don't go looking for a fight or you might just find one. Use your words to heal, not hurt.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Everything appears to be coming up roses today, but you may be afraid of trusting your perceptions. Avoid being led down a garden path that leads to, but never reaches, an unrealistic goal. Pay attention to the things you're not being told. Dig deep enough to ferret out the story behind the story, for that's where truth hides now. Fortunately, once you have all the facts at your disposal, you might discover your current position is even better than you originally thought.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

Although you usually are working with a practical plan while you keep one eye on a chosen goal, your future appears less definite today. You probably have a general idea of a preferred direction, but it's tricky to set out when you lack a specific destination. Rather than starting something new, give yourself permission to stay where you are for a day or two while you gain strength that you'll surely need in the days ahead. Clarity can't be rushed.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading

Nearly anything you begin today is blessed by the current cosmic energy, setting you on your way with a smile on your face. However, your enthusiasm can backfire on you, leading you on a wild goose chase as you pursue one mirage after another. Thankfully, combining cautious analysis with self-restraint places you back in the driver's seat and you appear to be the only car on the wide-open road. It's all too easy to forget how important it is to stay grounded. Instead of dreaming about success, work hard to attain it.

Avoid unnecessary heartbreak with a Free Love Tarot Reading

The dynamics of a relationship can be complicated by the presence of power politics today, so it's wise to delicately step around any emotional quicksand. Fortunately, there won't likely be negative ramifications from avoiding confrontation for a while longer. In the meantime, explore your future by playing out different scenarios in your mind's eye. Pay attention to how your body reacts as you visualize each possibility. Ultimately, the fantasies that leave you feeling good now are the ones worth pursuing.

Reveal Deeper Insight with a Free Tarot Reading


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