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The spotlight follows your career while you focus on the capital it generates for you and others. These resources do not always translate to ones you can take home. However, they are connected, and turbulence in either spells conflict and surprise. Staying ahead of the curve entails paring down on expenditures, letting something strategic go, and seeing what grows in its place. Pruning is a healthy metaphor for redirecting. Snip, snip!

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A dash of strife at work awakens a fire in you that you didn't know was burning. Your personality transforms before your eyes in a genuine way; something is gone and something new replaces it. Its shape is still unclear. This blood-boiling encounter casts light on a part of you that needs some tender loving care today. Thankfully, you can provide this for yourself. Direct your attention inward and explore. Your passion is a force of nature.

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A thought has gripped you and won't let go. You are currently in the process of discarding theories of the world that no longer match your experience of it. A flash of intuition coming from your subconscious promotes a more aggressive revision now. The tussle takes place inside your higher mind. The prickly feeling can be inventive and dynamic if you realize that this is a lifelong endeavor. Focus on refining what is true for you in this moment and all will be well.

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Impulsive intimacy can animate as well as backfire. The excitement is all too real. A delicate balance must be struck. Arousing an intense union may drain you. Your quirky set of friends knows this and might try to intercede today, which could tip the scales. The truth is, they are looking out for you, and only want to see you enter into commitments that actually serve you. Ask your new counterpart what they are willing to do for your happiness and listen closely to what isn't said. Trust but verify.

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Your laser focus is targeted on getting through a mass of work. As you forge ahead through the pile, you uncover some eye-opening data about your professional situation. You might also discover that someone close to you is upset -- maybe due to the intensity of your schedule. However, it's possible that the surprise you find has nothing to do with you at all. In either case, remember that unconventional approaches sometimes spark ire before delight.

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Your brainstorms unleash a brand-new set of postulations into the world. This revolutionary impulse triggers those around you today. Your peers work hard, sometimes believing they work harder than you -- as if that is really possible. Their envy of your quick wit is real and should be taken seriously now. Following an unorthodox approach enlivens you like nothing else. Although you must be mindful of your impact on others, pursue the joy of creative innovation.

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A relationship suddenly escalates today. You normally prefer to keep things light and friendly. You are like a social butterfly that enjoys having a whole garden of flowers adore you as you come and go wherever you please. Nevertheless, a certain person has chosen you now and lures you into a deepening encounter. You marvel at the depths. Passion rides high, perhaps too high, and it could turn sour. The freedom to flit everywhere consolidates itself and you're suddenly involved in a more serious entanglement. Try it on for size, but only keep what fits.

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Outer construction is a sign of inner reconstruction as tension at home spills out into the open. The walls shift before you. The borders are porous, letting elements seep in to ruffle your peace. If you engage in constructive dialogue to address what is bothering you, you may provoke an unusual change of heart in your special person. When you make the boundaries clear, everyone can relax.

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Relentless social gatherings swirl around you. Your neighbors appear more active than ever, with some of them moving and others moving away. You can hardly keep track of these shifting sands. Upsets follow you into work, which may even destabilize you enough to cause a minor accident. Stay vigilant while this eddy whirlwinds around you. Keep your focus on what you value, and let the maelstrom pass you by without incident.

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Enjoying yourself costs money. It's as if everyone is conjuring up a million ways to part you from your cash when you are on vacation. The line between the payoff and a definite regret is quite thin, and you have patience on back order. Take a deep breath. You are a master of inventing solutions to complex problems -- like how to have fun without bankrupting your empire. Think and act outside the box, and you will startle yourself into the very pleasure you seek.

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Your lily pad is untethered from the bottom of the lake. You drift along, and each ripple of water seems to send your world into a tizzy. Exploring the unknown can be enlivening, giving you more drive than ever before. It could also simply be stressful. You love the independent aspect of chaos, and yet you also seek at least one root that can keep you heading in a predictable direction. A hidden part of you is breaking out into the open. Focus on your freedom, and your true home will emerge in due course.

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Your exacting concentration on your network of acquaintances unearths a figure who fronts as an ardent supporter, yet isn't one at all. It can be painful to realize that someone is not honest, but it is better to know the truth and deal with it than to let it fester out of sight. Confrontation may be the last thing you want to occur today, but once you handle the situation, you will feel much less upset. Be thankful for the acquaintance who blurted and alerted you to this news. True friends can take on unusual forms now.

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