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When the fuel is spent and a flame turns to glowing ember, a tuft of smoke curls skyward. Your mood shifts from fiery external expression to a needed inward glance. Review your recent past for anything you could have done differently or better. While criticism is never fun, self-examination can be useful when you see it as a matter of incremental improvement and learning from the past. Stoke your coals, rearrange your source of fuel, and see how you can reignite your brilliant flame.

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Whistle while you work, and also while you play. It is almost as if the concept of working hard and playing harder was created just for you. Infect others with the excitement steadily building throughout the day. Ironically, you are starting to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Having fun with the changes is the key to adjusting easier. Think of it as theater. Choose a role you can step into and if it doesn't fit, make up another. The possibilities are endless.

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Water seeks its own level; if your boat has a hole in the bottom, you will not be able to sail very far. In order to move forward, secure your base of operations. Find where you may be leaking energy and plug it up. This includes how you spend money and invest in relationships. Reinforce your foundation now and watch your relationships and finances fall into place. T.D. Jakes said, "Without commitment, nothing happens."

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Relationships suddenly pervade all. You day flows from one person to the next as you meet a quirky friend for breakfast, chat with a neighbor, and engage in serious conversations with an ally or adversary. No matter where you turn today, it seems like you cannot get a moment to yourself. Sharing quality time with people who are not members of your biological family gives you a chance to connect with a more diverse community and expand your horizons in the process. Building your chosen family takes time.

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Every plant needs sunshine to grow and you are a pro at radiating light. They also need substantial nutrients which is less easy to offer on a regular basis. Examine the current soil conditions you are providing for yourself and your projects. Your work and your daily routine are in such a state of flux that different ingredients are being called for now. Becoming aware of the new needs enables you to make necessary adjustments. Always remember that what you feed will flourish.

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Introspection is the name of the game. Unorthodox ideas from afar are fascinating and new sides of yourself emerge in their reflection. Integrating these brilliant facets of your personality allows you to broaden your horizons in very functional and unexpected ways. If you have been too self-critical lately, take yourself out on a date and splurge a bit. Growing pains do not have to hurt. Quite the contrary. Streamlining is actually one of your favorite indulgences.

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The vistas of your imagination beckon today. Tune into any otherworldly messages that may support some of the recent discoveries you have been making with respect to your lineage. Like Aphrodite, who emerged fully formed from the sea, you may feel disconnected from your family. However, unlike her, you are very much mortal, and you did originate from somewhere. Dwell in the myths that call you and let them feed your perfectly human and perfectly lovable roots.

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The line between an acquaintance and a friend is under question. Intimate partnerships are also going through a tectonic shift now. People all around you are choosing to keep their distance or to break away. Give your relationship style some thought. You can be extremely discerning. Ask yourself if your standards support or hinder deeper connection. Perhaps your natural defenses are coming across too strong. Nothing needs to be decided immediately. Thankfully, meditation can act as a positive reset button.

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Sometimes you just want to flip the table over and start fresh. Merely thinking about a personal revolution can bring some relief today, but you know better than to actually do it. Your reputation is too important to risk on small irritations when there are bigger fish to fry. As much as you prefer to see things move faster, you may find that you are still trying to drive with the parking brake on. Disengage and step back. Perspective always renews your vision.

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A sweet situation in your professional sphere can assuage your tired nerves. You are so focused on achievement that you often forget to take care of your physical being. The extra support is not major, but good things do not always have to be big. Bask in the little generosities that land in your lap today. Every successful leader needs to be pampered once in a while. You invest a lot in others. Reap the rewards of your investment.

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True exchange involves actually changing. People expand through interpersonal relationships. However, real intimacy requires a willingness to be broken open. It can shake you to the core when others see things you are not ready to confront yet. Thankfully, you love exploring unknown territory, and these relationships are a necessary part of your journey if you are progressing toward your goals. CEO Ginni Rometty said, "Growth and comfort do not coexist."

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You stand at an important crossroads with someone dear to your heart. The make-or-break moment is around the corner, and there are still some difficult subjects to discuss. Recent changes in location might have caused some unexpected challenges, putting an extra strain on the hopes and dreams you share. There's no time like the present to sit down to have a serious heart-to-heart conversation. Communication is the best way to figure out where you both go from here. Honesty cultivates trust; compassion inspires forgiveness.

View your weekly and monthly Pisces horoscopes on HuffPost >>


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