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Be assured that you can dig out of any recently-dug rut if you are willing to admit your mistake. A trusted partner, pal, or elder has been trying to tell you something, and now is the time to listen. Whether you accept or reject their advice today, a self-involved perspective makes the path ahead look narrow while wider vision reveals that it is, in fact, broad. By taking another's point of view into consideration, fresh energy breaks up a stagnant thought pattern. Change is a catalyst for positive growth.

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You want to set the pace of activities today, but a significant other seems intent upon having a say in the matter, too. Instead of automatically snapping into battle mode, something different and exciting might make its way into your plans if compromise and cooperation are embraced. Lean into someone's harmless and affordable idea or suggestion for the sake of peace and harmony. Living and learning keeps you young at heart.

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Fits and starts can seriously diminish prospects for successfully completing any one task today. Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to relax or fully enjoy an adventure when unplanned changes keep interfering. In fact, your irrepressible restlessness makes settling into any commitment a challenge. But take control of that energy and you will derive a special satisfaction from seeing something through from beginning to end. Sometimes the grass really isn't greener elsewhere. Make a choice and stick with it until you get results.

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Good things that flow your way today are seriously taken to heart. So sincerely, in fact, you might find that when the time comes, letting go is difficult. Yet deep down you know that by clinging to a person, place, or experience, an artificial limit is created. It's better to cede to the healthy boundlessness of freedom and be amenable to things moving along as they should. Your heightened intuition and emotional sensitivity are excellent allies in this process. Love without action is only a word.

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A great idea may pop into your thoughts fully formed today. Maybe it's a creative inspiration or perhaps it is a psychic lightning bolt. Whatever its shape, if this epiphany sticks with you through your waking hours and sneaks into your dream life, it's almost certainly come to you for good reason. Your artistry, craftsmanship, or sixth sense is aching to expand and evolve. Your experimentation is just waiting for a green light to start. Fear looks, faith jumps.

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One friend wants to talk about abstract theories and speculations about immortality. Another brings up topics as mundane as housecleaning or shopping. And it is precisely between these two worlds that you find yourself at some point today, wishing you could steer the conversation away from either extreme. There are plenty of subjects to discuss that might appeal to everyone, but it's obviously going to be up to you to get the conversational ball rolling. Speak up and make your voice heard.

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Although your thoughts and feelings might be scattered today, you have a crystal-clear perspective on the realm of money. Thankfully, your financial acuity is helpful, especially if there's a heavy amount of bartering, trading, or purchasing occurring now. You're instinctively sharp about watching out for your own interests while protecting those of your spouse or family, too. A visit to a market, auction, or garage sale could be both fun and profitable. Keep your eyes peeled for a bargain and don't hesitate to make a deal.

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You can travel forward, backward, and side-to-side with equal dexterity today. An energetic glow of extra confidence keeps the stress level to a bare minimum. Carefully weigh and measure your options before drawing any big conclusions about where to direct the full power of your attention. The freedom to pick and choose your own options tests your commitment to a core principle or ideal. You possess all the necessary skills and resources to ace any challenge. Gandhi said, "Strength does not come from physical capacity; it comes from an indomitable will."

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Changing priorities responsively comes as second nature today. If it is evident that one road is temporarily blocked, you can set out in a different but equally satisfactory direction virtually on a dime. The ability to interact with people from all walks of life or parts of the globe with friendliness and sincerity can prove central to getting the most from a social event, class, or travel experience. Meeting others halfway is the key to your success.

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Rarely one to shake up the status quo, you're not likely to see any need to do so today. If all is humming along -- business as usual -- upsetting the applecart is simply not on your to-do list. In fact, sure predictions based on known causes and effects give you a winning edge. Take all the variables into account and carry on in the steady way that is uniquely your own. "If it isn't broke, don't fix it" makes sense when there is so much at stake. A jug fills drop by drop.

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Honestly evaluate your own motives today. There might be more behind your extremely rebellious mood than the desire to cut loose from heavy constrictions or restrictive protocol today. It is possible that an emotional button installed by the long-outgrown rules and regulations of childhood has been pushed by current circumstances or another person's words and deeds. If so, call off the mini-revolution and disentangle the past from what's happening in the here and now. Self-awareness unlocks the door to your potential.

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What looks like saintly patience today is the outward manifestation of a highly enhanced ability to tune out static and negativity. When you are in a groove or an intensely productive mind space, you're not about to let external nonsense or noise knock you off track. Let others fuss, complain, and squabble if they so choose. Your emotional balance and compassion start within and flow outward through your actions. Your aura radiates calm and tranquil vibes. Dr. Joan Borysenko wrote, "Every day brings a choice: to practice stress or to practice peace."

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