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The rhythm of your self-expression is less frantic than is normally the case. There is little that's unpredictable about what you feel compelled to say and there's even a special comfort to be found in a quiet, well-organized environment. Your influence is powerful upon events as they transpire but you're not interested in the spotlight now. You're happy to leave dealing with the critics to the star of the show. Working behind the scenes is the secret to your current productivity.

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There's more than money on your mind today. Although you are busy pursuing your altruistic dreams, you are still concerned with the bottom line of your budget. While idealism is the driving force behind the bulk of your decision-making, awareness of practical reality is never far away. Accomplishing something good for a worthwhile cause while simultaneously improving your financial picture gives you the best of both worlds. The abundance you seek is within your grasp.

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Rethink a strategy that involves denying your honest emotions. Repression is never healthy over the long run. Safely let rise to the surface whatever is pushing for expression. Although it may be messy, it's likely to be for the best if an applecart or two are overturned. A revealing conversation with a trusted loved one or even a professional counselor can be helpful as feelings are worked through in a healthy manner. Give your heart the meaningful attention it deserves.

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Expand your thinking beyond what's in your immediate sphere today. There is an affirmation that occurs for both parties when you're open to the ideas and opinions expressed by your partner or another person you love. Confidence grows and trust deepens when you believe that you are accurately receiving their message and yours is also being heard. Individuality can be a teacher. Take a step into a world outside your own. M. Scott Peck wrote, "Share our similarities, celebrate our differences."

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Take advantage of unusual access to creative resources today. This is your chance to pick the brain of an expert, artist, or instructor who you admire. Whether you're putting together an action plan, entrepreneurial venture, or educational itinerary of your own, you can gather great tips and pointers by studying the work of others who have successfully traveled a similar path. Make the most of this moment by experimenting with a variety of tools and materials, too. Transform excitement into motivation to fuel your success.

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You're a champion when it comes to rising to the challenge at crunch time. Knowing that a deadline looms inspires you to pick up the pace and squeeze the maximum potential from every moment. If there's a meeting scheduled, you're ready. If there's a flight to catch, you're at the gate early. You thrive on the special joy derived from crossing the finish line before the buzzer sounds. And ending your race in style pumps up your satisfaction to stratospheric heights. Get your work done, and let the happy dance commence.

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It seems random when paths cross today, or at least that's what logic tells you. However, the story told by intuition is entirely different. It's easy to suspect that some sort of uncanny fate has a hand in bringing you together with a past, present, or prospective love interest in unlikely circumstances. There are decisions to be made now, yet mustering up objectivity is difficult. Sentimentality and romantic longing might be tugging at your heartstrings, but ultimately the question becomes, "What is right for me?" It's your call whether to follow your head or your heart.

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Finding a place of balance between too much and not enough presents a special challenge today. It's easy to zip in the direction of either extreme, while forging a path on middle ground takes a lot of deliberate effort. Think about the advice you might give to a loved one if he or she was in your position. Believe it or not, these words of wisdom are almost certainly what's best for you, too. Shower your support and encouragement on those around you. Don't forget to dish a healthy serving of that positivity to yourself, too.

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Building a bridge is about more than establishing a simple link. If you truly want to make a meaningful connection with a person or group, there needs to be comprehensive thought devoted to each step of its construction. What you are willing to contribute is as important as what you hope to receive from this relationship. However, maintenance and upkeep will be required. It's a different commitment with different expectations from each side. Know your own value and recognize the worth of others to establish common ground.

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If given the choice between the direct route or the scenic byway, you typically jump into the express lane without a second thought. However, there's no doubt you will surprise others when you opt for the slower, more roundabout path today. You have your personal reasons for your current decision, even if you're not yet ready to reveal them. Whatever motives compel you forward, enjoy the journey and the adventure that calls your name. Poet Jonathon Swift wrote, "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."

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It's not always practical to mix business and pleasure. You are understandably the envy of many if you find a way to seamlessly combine work and play today. Part of your success hinges on your clever humor and scintillating wit, but the serious acumen you bring to every professional task is just as important. A sincere smile is power-packed when accompanied by intriguing images and intelligent ideas. Productivity increases when morale is high.

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The spotlight is on you today and you're eager to put your best foot forward. Neatly gather up your thoughts and resources when it's essential to make a proper impression. You have exactly what it takes to carry you through a presentation, sales pitch, or job interview. Acknowledging your power emboldens you to step up to nearly any challenging situation like a boss. Although it may seem daunting at first, stretching into an uncomfortable task amplifies your potential to grow. Confidence breeds strength.

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