You yearn for liberation, yet you must contend with your duties. Your desire to immerse yourself in a dream world may take the upper hand now, and spur you on to a declaration of independence. Mercury the Winged Messenger turns retrograde in your 5th House of Spontaneity today, further underscoring your drive to rebel. Once you throw off all masters, you still need to reckon with yourself. The true price of the freedom you seek lies in taking radical responsibility for your actions.
The space between your wings and your roots grows. Friends and associates inspire you to express yourself more boldly than ever. The people who appreciate your creative work shroud you in a feeling of unconditional support. Perhaps this encouragement contrasts with aspects of your foundation and upbringing. Your doubts melt in the warmth of the admiration around you. Mental Mercury turns retrograde in your 4th House of Security, sending you on a search for the safest harbor. Hope anchors the soul.
The outside world turns into a carnival right before your eyes. Institutions you thought would last forever transform entirely or vanish into thin air. Reliable streets are suddenly under construction today, forcing you to find new routes. Mercury the Trickster spins retrograde in your 3rd House of Distractions, giving you a series of fun-house mirrors to navigate. Thankfully, you are adept at entertaining many competing ideas simultaneously. Keep your mind wide open and your options on the table.
The bigger picture blurs the more you try to fix it in place. Well-chosen words seem to fall short today. Instead of speaking, you may choose defensive silence now. You are wise to reevaluate the relationship between belonging and belongings while thoughtful Mercury travels backward through your 2nd House of Possessions. Consider how much your sense of self is wrapped up in what you own or wish to own. Take a step back, or sideways, and recognize that you are more than the sum of your parts.
The boundaries between you and others become extra porous now. Someone's sweet promises and flattering attention may be draining you more than fortifying you. Thankfully, the Cosmic Messenger backpedals in your sign and emphasizes your 1st House of Self, bringing your awareness back to your own concerns. Mercury's extended sojourn in expressive Leo offers you time to review how you show up in the world. When you polish your own mirror, your true shine returns brighter than ever.
Certain aspects of life may have you feeling trapped for no apparent reason today. Your status quo is called into question with nimble Mercury's retrograde dance occurring in your 12th House of Other Dimensions. Your patron planet is a virtuoso at helping you establish new avenues of circumvention and restoring elbowroom. Imagination is the key to your escape. Harry Houdini said, "The secret of showmanship consists not of what you really do, but what the mystery-loving public thinks you do."
A conversation replays in your mind as if on a film reel. You pore over each word and wonder whether you said the right thing as you create multiple variations in your head. Perhaps you can't help but wish you could turn back the clock. Thankfully, clever Mercury offers you a chance to rewrite history, with its retrograde maneuver through your 11th House of Friends and Associates. Revisit recent exchanges with people in your cohort and sort out your feelings together. Psychologist Rollo May wrote, "Communication leads to community."
Being the leader of the pack can be entertaining, but tread carefully when others are following your example. Amusements take on a life of their own now, and drain your capacity to be effective in your job. Mercury turns retrograde in your 10th House of Authority today, imploring you to review your relationship to power and status. You may need to set the fun aside and enforce a firm boundary with someone to get them back on the right track. Don't be afraid to acknowledge this person might be you. Dame Anna Wintour said, "People respond well to people who are sure of what they want."
The grandest of schemes requires unwavering attention to detail. As vast as your imagination's playground is, you must ground yourself in order for something to start manifesting in reality. You receive extra time to check your plan for gaps before you implement anything when meticulous Mercury spins retrograde in your 9th House of Big Ideas. However, you may feel like rushing because people are watching your every move, but there is plenty of time to nail down the loose ends. Slow and steady really does win the race.
Your falcon eyes target the most distant motions. But do not let objects on the horizon distract you from what is right in front of you. A tremor ripples through your joint efforts. Not everyone is on the same page as you. Mercury turning retrograde in your 8th House of Shared Resources blesses you with the perfect opportunity to reassess your trajectory. Sudden movements may startle people, so absorb what information you can, and follow your instincts about when to swoop in and take action. Timing is everything.
You give selflessly to your chosen cause. However, it can be stressful if someone takes advantage of your largess and stretches you beyond your limit. Mercury the Messenger turning retrograde in your 7th House of Companions prompts you to revisit your agreements with partners, both professional and personal. You need to communicate when you are close to your maximum to prevent the relationship from snapping beyond repair. Rumi wrote, "Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another not words."
It is no easy task to keep projects afloat and everyone happy today. As mischievous Mercury begins its retrograde journey in your 6th House of Logistics, you must double-check everything before you kick off the domino chain. Expect delays and build some tolerance into your plans; things are not operating at usual speed and messages are likely to be misunderstood. Stay a step ahead of the stars and embed a buffer. Your best coping mechanism is a healthy sense of humor.
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