YOUR SURVIVAL MAY DEPEND ON HOW MUCH YOUR GOVERNOR FEARS TRUMP Whether you live or die because of this pandemic could very well depend on how afraid your governor is of Trump. Across the country, how readily the coronavirus is spreading in your state roughly correlates with how early your governor issued a stay-at-home order – which in turn tracks how willing your governor was to buck Trump’s attempts to downplay the outbreak. And that correlation is showing a strong partisan break, with Democratic governors typically taking action days or weeks before their Republican counterparts. [HuffPost]
MAXINE WATERS REVEALS HER SISTER IS DYING OF COVID-19 Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) revealed on the House floor that her sister is dying of the coronavirus. The lawmaker, who chairs the House Financial Services Committee, discussed her sister’s condition while speaking in support of the latest coronavirus relief bill, which passed in the Senate earlier this week and passed in the House Thursday. “I’m going to take a moment to dedicate this legislation to my dear sister who is dying in a hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, right now, infected by the coronavirus,” Waters said. [HuffPost]
LAWYERS FOR OUSTED VACCINE OFFICIAL PLAN WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINT Lawyers for Dr. Rick Bright announced that their client will file a whistleblower complaint based on the top vaccine official’s allegations he was ousted from his post for pushing back against Trump’s promotion of hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus treatment. The complaint will detail Bright’s allegation that he was ousted as director of the agency responsible for developing the drugs to fight the coronavirus pandemic in retaliation for raising science-based concerns about White House pressure on treatment and vaccines. [HuffPost]
TIME TO REMAKE THE AMERICAN CITY Oakland, California’s, plan is particularly large in scale, but the city is just one of the dozens of communities in the United States and worldwide to close streets or change traffic patterns in recent weeks. The trend represents a bright spot in an otherwise grinding news cycle ― and it may also offer a glimpse of a post-pandemic future in which cities are healthier, safer and more sustainable. “It’s a scary time, but it’s also a real opportunity,” said Janette Sadik-Khan, chair of the National Association of City Transportation Officials. [HuffPost]
FALLING OIL PRICES BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO AN OLD IDEA Oil prices entered a stunning free-fall this week as the industry ran low on places to store the petroleum it can’t sell but keeps pumping amid the coronavirus pandemic. The chaos made a bullish investor out of a mortal enemy: climate activists. The world’s rapidly destabilizing climate, made worse by the industry’s decadeslong propaganda war, has made the oil companies prime targets for hostile takeovers, as they struggle to provide the good-paying jobs and economic stability they insisted was the necessary trade-off for trashing the atmosphere. [HuffPost]
TRUMP SPENT YEARS UNDERMINING CHARITIES NOW CRUCIAL TO CORONAVIRUS FIGHT Millions of the world’s most vulnerable people are facing the coronavirus pandemic with worse health care than they had just a few years ago because of the choices of one man: Trump. Trump’s changes to U.S. foreign aid ― a tiny portion of the American government’s budget but traditionally the largest source of funding for many international charities ― forced some clinics to close and reduced supplies for others. [HuffPost] |
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