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You want to operate incognito today, which doesn't mean you're lazy or in retreat. In fact, just the opposite. However, you're not looking to draw much attention to yourself or your actions. If what you're doing is top secret, like a surprise party, then you're in exceptional form. Likewise, you're perfectly content to work on a task for long hours alone to finish it. If you have nothing pressing to do now, then consider donating your energy to a charity or friend in need. Vincent van Gogh wrote, "What's done with love is done well."

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Receiving and giving inspiration is mutually beneficial to you and your friends. You're not necessarily feeling down as much as you are slow to shift into a more active gear. Perhaps it's best to imagine yourself as a locomotive building momentum rather than a race car screeching off from the starting block. Drawing encouragement from spiritual resources, including sacred texts, poetry, or insightful books, feeds your soul and revitalizes everyone's hope. Poet Maya Angelou wrote, "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

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Sometimes all you must do is make the first move and keep moving, especially in career matters now. You may think that once you get the ball moving that you alone must carry it. But you might not realize you have a team that's willing to do more than just root for you. They're also eager to advocate on your behalf. It's often easy to focus on folks who appear to conspire against you and not those who are conspiring and perspiring with you. Consider yourself blessed. Demonstrate your appreciation by doubling down on your commitment to success.

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You prove to be an excellent collaborator, whether as a partner or team member. You perform best now when goals are clearly defined, even if the means are still cloudy. It doesn't matter if the task is redecorating the living room or building a new home. You can be patient enough to figure things out, but you're unwilling to blindly relinquish control. Although you're quite capable of standing your ground, you're happy to hash out the details for a win-win agreement that makes everyone smile. Compromise is key for your success.

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Trust that you can feel confident and competent with a skill or task without qualification. Sure, there's always room for improvement with anything, but it's likely that you recently worked very hard at mastering something that seemed impossible at first. You've earned your delight. It's possible that higher-ups or potential clients are noticing you now that the value-conscious Taurus Moon is sailing through your 10th House of Career and Reputation. Greet the attention with warranted modesty, not false humility or overbearing conceit.

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You may come across a fact or tidbit of information that you see as helpful to a dear one in your life. Or you gain inspiration and insight on how to manage a touchy situation. In other words, you have access to practical knowledge. The problem is you need to ask more questions to fine tune your solutions. Otherwise, you might download more data than someone is prepared to absorb all at once. Re-tailor the clues you picked up elsewhere for the issue you're addressing now. Stay on the case until you solve it.

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You are itching to make progress in some key area of your life, whether that's a relationship, your job, or a hobby. Yet, you can't decide whether to go full steam ahead or gently coast into the next stage. Be honest if you don't feel enough verve now to be assertive. But the truth is not rocking the boat will only leave you feeling stagnant. Seek rather to achieve repetitive flow with a slight edge, like high-intensity interval training. Be direct and intense with your passion, and then hang back to observe what happens.

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The magic of twilight shimmers and sparkles all day long, reflecting the aura of immense possibility that usually comes with dawn. You may even feel as if you can do anything you want today. The trick is to know what to focus on. Add a little enchantment to your commute and routine interactions. Take the more scenic route to work. Surprise a stranger by paying for their coffee or make a point to offer a compliment to a colleague. Create time for romance in your private life, even if it's only to write a love note of appreciation to your partner-in-crime or a flirty wink to an online crush. Spontaneous acts of kindness reveal the true nature of your heart.

View your weekly and monthly Scorpio horoscopes on HuffPost >>

You're likely hoping to get more use out of a prized object that's seen better days. For example, repurpose a cherished broken plate into a mosaic for a countertop or turn your old concert tees into a quilt. It doesn't matter whether you want more from a garment or your greenbacks, you see possibilities now that were once veiled to you. You're willing to go the extra mile when it comes to your finances, including overtime hours or extra work on the side to make more money. Conserve by recycling what you can and only buying what you need.

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Words automatically come to your lips today just when you need them. You might find it liberating to reveal what gives you joy and pleasure. Yet, you're not content only to talk about your passion projects or hobbies. You're persuasive enough to enlist others to join in your fun, but you can also discuss professional responsibilities in a pleasant manner that customers or coworkers find reassuring. Strike the right degree of honesty with clarity and a touch of charm. Make a case for something you want while the planets are working on your behalf.

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You might have some difficulty in getting into the full swing of things today. You're strangely inclined to be tight-fisted and uncharacteristically reserved. You may be interested in hanging back while the comfort-loving Taurus Moon nestles in your 4th House of Hearth and Home. However, there's no need to withdraw just because you have coziness and security on your mind now. Don't let fear push you into counting pennies. Instead, reconsider how you can enjoy yourself simply and for less. There's no reason to seal yourself off from all the fun just to keep your world safe.

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You're energetically better equipped to share practical wisdom and insight with others today. It's partly because you're forward thinking and action-oriented now. You're also ready to be more hands-on, but there are a few problems with this take-charge approach. You could end up doing more work than you anticipated and lose track of time. Don't let anyone take advantage of your kindness solely for their selfish interests. Enjoy the company of those who support your dreams as much as you support theirs.

View your weekly and monthly Pisces horoscopes on HuffPost >>


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