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A little discretionary shopping sounds delightful today, especially if you're in the market for something to beautify your nest. Your enthusiasm is understandable while impulsive Mars dances with the materialistic Taurus Moon in your 4th House of Domestic Conditions. But don't go overboard indulging every whim now, for unforeseen expenses can pop up at a moment's notice. Splurging is fine but keep some cash in reserve, just in case. Money comes and money goes; it's what you do with it that matters.

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All bets are off if someone is foolish enough to push your buttons. You Bulls have a reputation for being slow to anger -- and that's usually quite accurate. However, you're in no mood to be trifled with today, whether you're finishing up an especially tedious project or attempting to enjoy some much-needed downtime. Inform anyone who may inadvertently set you off that you're operating with a short fuse now. If all else fails, find a productive way to tire yourself out. Misdirected anger serves little purpose. Hang a do-not-disturb sign on your door and reclaim your inner peace.

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It's all too easy to spend the day pouting, but your negative slant only makes things worse. Tuck in that bottom lip, splash some water on your face, and reflect on the source of your unhappiness. If it's something someone recently said or did, you can initiate a heart-to-heart chat and express your honest feelings. Or, decide not to invest any more energy and begin a temporary separation process. Either way, distract yourself from your worries by hanging out with loyal companions who are happy to be in your company. Laughter is the best medicine, especially when times are tough.

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Contrary to popular opinion, shying away from necessary confrontation isn't always your style. In fact, you might be a tad on the cranky side while the emotional Moon collides with aggressive Mars in your 11th House of Social Networks. Thankfully, those who know and love you understand your moods. Don't take your anger on out anyone who makes a hasty retreat today. No one is deserting you; they're just trying to stay out of the line of fire until you cool off. Own your feelings and then let them go.

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Authority figures may seem unnecessarily demanding today as they get under your skin. However, they may be pushing you harder than usual deliberately, to test your commitment. Consider that this maneuver might be for your own good before you give them a piece of your mind. Flying off the handle isn't recommended if you wish to convince higher-ups that a raise or promotion is in order. Save the drama, since this audience wants to see a different type of performance. Shine the spotlight on your work and your talents will sparkle.

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Voicing your point of view may take extra effort today, but you're up for the challenge. Assertive Mars conspires with the reflective Moon in your 9th House of Higher Truth, inspiring you to express your opinion in no uncertain terms. If your disclosure turns into a debate with someone who doesn't share your beliefs, so be it. Choose your words carefully and try not to over-personalize the situation, but don't walk away until you both have your say. You can always agree to disagree. Author Max Lucado wrote, "Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional."

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Making difficult decisions about who and what you currently want in your life isn't your idea of fun. These tough choices trigger memories of past hurt or disillusionment, making it even more painful if someone near and dear to you has recently let you down. Don't spend too much time weighing the pros and cons of the situation if your heart has already spoken. Go with your gut and be confident in your actions. The quicker you let go of what's no longer productive, the sooner the healing process can begin. The only one in charge of your destiny is you.

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You're due to confront someone whose personal power and determination matches your own. This meeting of equals may not happen to you all that often, so you either find the exchange quite stimulating or extremely irritating. It's up to you to figure out whether you two might actually have something to learn from one another, even if it turns out you're on opposite sides of the fence. In that case, think of them as a worthy opponent and enjoy the contest. Competition raises the bar of excellence when mutual respect is in play.

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There's no reason to let a bit of resistance to your ideas at work deter you from your ambitious goals today. Every now and then you become stubbornly convinced that your way is the only way, and sometimes you are absolutely right. Although your overconfidence may not win you any popularity contests with your coworkers, you're interested in bigger things than social niceties now. Dig in those hooves, prove your point, and be proud of yourself for not backing down.

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Indulging in some healthy competition today will do you a world of good. You are brimming with excess energy and going head to head with a friendly opponent might be just what you need to blow off steam. If you're up for a physical contest and you're both eager for a little action, then name your sport and may the best person win. But you don't have to break a sweat to enjoy the thrill of victory. A strategic game of chess or backgammon could also do the trick; just make sure you're well-matched for maximum motivation. Poet William Blake wrote, "Opposition is true friendship."

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Wake up and smell the coffee. That home-related project you've been putting off isn't going to do itself. It doesn't matter whether it's a simple spring cleaning or a major renovation. If this task has been on your list for too long, do yourself a favor and alleviate the guilt by initiating action now. However, there's no need to exhaust yourself by trying to finish everything in record time. The point is to get the show on the road. Walt Disney said, "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

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Your words may be a bit more brusque than usual today, especially if you're forced to spend time with someone who rankles your nerves. If confronting their negativity or rude behavior in a constructive manner isn't possible, grab a pen and paper, excuse yourself, and pour out all your frustrations. Don't worry about spelling, punctuation, or penmanship. Feel free to leave little dig-marks in the paper if the spirit moves you. This is a purge, not a homework assignment. Taking a personal time out allows you to maintain the peace without adding to the drama.

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