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Being tolerant of others' beliefs isn't always easy, but you may need to go the extra mile today to make your friends feel secure. You've been there for each other through the thick and thin of human experiences -- births, deaths, and the beginnings and endings of relationships and jobs. In the end, whether or not you agree on politics, spiritual matters, or how to make the world a better place doesn't really matter. It's the love, trust, and respect you share with your chosen dear ones that's truly priceless. Cherish the common ground upon which you dance.

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Once you invest your time and energy into a project, it becomes part of you. It's easy to understand why you often stick to your commitments far longer than the average bear, refusing to give in to doubt or uncertainty. Obviously, making the decision to leave your chosen career can be a real struggle. Impulsive actions only add to your stress. If you've been mulling over just such a change and it's causing you to lose sleep at night, talk things over with an elder who's walked in your shoes. Author Terry Mante said, "A career is not just about earning an income. It is about pursuing the essence of your life."

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Guardian angels come in all shapes and sizes. You may not immediately recognize yours when they arrive today, but you feel their presence the moment you realize you're smiling again. Thankfully, just when you thought you were in this alone, someone comes along, ready with exactly what it takes to raise your spirits and empower you to think optimistically about the future. If you don't already know this helpful ally, get their number and don't lose touch. Never underestimate the importance of having a person in your life who can always make you laugh.

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Shifting gears is exhilarating, especially when you're heading in an exciting direction. You've been idling in neutral for a while now, but you're ready to put the pedal to the metal and make some necessary modifications to improve your quality of life. It may not be easy at first, but science shows that it only takes three weeks to ditch a negative habit and replace it with a more positive one. Think of this as the first day of a 21-day commitment. Author John C. Maxwell said, "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine."

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You may attract a bit of attention today without much effort on your part, whether or not this is your intention. You are probably more confident and comfortable in your own skin these days, and your creativity is on fire. You can feel it in nearly every encounter as others smile, nod, and agree with most anything you say. Be fair and generous in your actions; mindfully resolve to only use your superpowers for good. Author Marianne Williamson wrote, "Charisma is a sparkle in people that money can't buy. It's an invisible energy with visible effects."

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Helping people improve their lives has never been hard for you. In fact, it's quite often much easier than solving problems for yourself. Fortunately, the cosmos has seen fit to empower you with both of these abilities today via just one event. Stepping up to support someone who can't defend themselves makes them feel far less vulnerable and alone. Magically, your intervention can also make you realize that you're capable of doing the same for many others. Coming to the aid of one individual might not save the whole world, but it could change the world for one person -- and in this case, maybe two.

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Your creative side is begging to be expressed. Rather than being upset with yourself for being distracted from a tedious chore today, focus on where your thoughts are being drawn. This type of inspiration can be fleeting, while mundane tasks most certainly are not. If it takes a bit longer to finish your to-do list, so be it. Make time to jot down these flashes of insight. You might soon be able to replace what you consider monotonous work with activities you adore. Sufi mystic Vilayat Inayat Kahn said, "The human spirit lives on creativity and dies in conformity and routine."

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Your thoughts center around establishing a home base that allows you to feel safe and secure. Although it's no easy task to balance your domestic needs with your current financial constraints, you can set your intentions in motion by writing down your vision of the future. Obviously, it's less of a struggle to manifest your desires if you're surrounded by loved ones who share your goals. Make sure everyone in your space feels like they're part of the process to ensure that your house will truly become a sanctuary for all. The Dalai Lama said, "Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace."

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Your sense of humor is firing on all cylinders today. No matter where you are, what the circumstances might be, or who's in the vicinity, you're able to see the funny side of life. Of course, keeping the giggles to yourself wouldn't be fair, so you share your observations -- much to the surprise and delight of a grateful audience -- and in the process, manage to help heal at least one bruised heart. Be generous with your special brand of good cheer. Journalist Mignon McLaughlin wrote, "A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles."

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The memories of some particularly vivid dreams stay with you all day, urging you to move ahead with faith and confidence. You know that this is the voice of your intuition refusing to be squelched, and you feel strongly that allowing it to guide you now is the best way to proceed. The good news is you're pretty sure that you have everything you need to take one giant step forward almost immediately. At this point, resistance is futile when success is knocking at your door. Leonardo da Vinci said, "The eye sees things more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake."

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You rarely shy away from coloring outside the lines, but today you can inspire others to do the same. Your logic is rational, reasonable, and reliable, so once they hear your thoughts, even those who might ordinarily criticize your unconventional methods happily hop on board. You're grateful for the validation and glad to be of assistance, but mostly, you're tickled that you can turn former critics into strong allies. There's nothing better than being accepted into a circle because of who you are, rather than in spite of it.

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Your exceptional solution to a work-related problem cultivates hope in coworkers and higher-ups alike. More importantly, your uplifting presentation makes everyone start to believe that there might just be a light at the end of this tunnel. There's a whole lot to be said for possessing an optimistic attitude, especially in professional settings where doubt is fatal to success. Converting your enthusiasm into action is the next step. Syndicated columnist Harvey Mackay said, "Positive thinking is more than just a tagline. It changes the way we behave."

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